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Occasional Member - Level 1

VAT claim

Now on any International travels do we have an option to get refund on the VAT paid in foreign countries?

To which all coutries is the law to get refund VAT is applicable.


Frequent Member - Level 1

Dear User,


VAT is a complex topic and the same expense it might be recoverable in 1 country and not in another. You should verify this with your Tax deparment and the feasibility within your company, as you most likely need to be registered for VAT on foreign countries in order to recover VAT for expenses there.


I would consider to implement definetely VAT recovery on expenses if travellers are travelling a lot within their own country where the company is established but again you should be able to verify how it was done until now within the Finance department if they were recovering VAT on expenses.


Also if you contact Concur for showing the type of expenses you have they will be possibly available to give you potential VAT recover based on your travels.


At the end it really depends on the size of the company, the type of travels and where the company is registered for VAT so I personally can't provide you with a straigth answer.




Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari