Routine Member - Level 1

TMC RFP Statement of Work / Requirements / Questions

We will soon be issuing an RFP for a new Travel Management Company (or renewal with our existing provider). If you're willing to share, we'd love to review your statement of work, requirements document, questions, etc. so we don't have to reinvent the wheel and to help ensure we're covering our bases. If you have files to share, you can upload them here or send me a direct message and I'll provide my email address. 


Also, feel free to provide any comments about your RFP experience here in this thread! 


Thanks so much! 

Justin Wild
Concur Administrator
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
SAP Concur, Former Employee

I would suggest that you go to the GBTA website as they offer may RFP templates just so you do not have to reinvent the wheel.

Hope that helps!