New Member - Level 1

Network Connection Error

Cannotl log into the SAP Concur App at a sudden. Error Message "Network Connection Error". What do I need to do to make it work again?


Occasional Member - Level 1

I am getting a Network Connection error when trying to login within the app. I have tried installing all the latest iOS updates, reinstalling the application by deleting it and downloading it again to my Apple devices (iPhone 6s Plus & iPhone 7), but nothing fixed it. Did the last update maybe break the login functionality?

Is a fix planned? I need the app to submit my receipts to concur.

Thanks in advance,
Occasional Member - Level 1

Guys, I think the issue has been fixed! I tried it this morning again and could successfully login from my Apple devices again!


Hey Team,

There were some issues I read with the connectivity, I also tried to submit my Expenses! Things should be almost back to normal now. If you do notice anything which isn't working as it should, have a chat with your company admin who can investigate and open a case with Concur if needed.

Kind regards,

Angus Irvine Robertson

Head of CSI Customer Office, SAP Customer Support & Innovation
Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Angus/all,

same error ‘network connection error’, can’t see to find any solutions or fixes on here - please advise if I have missed?

also how do we find ‘the champions’, there are no obvious support links, (apart from an online manual) on the Concur site!?

i hear lots of excited colleagues to get the app functionality but alas not able to enjoy due to the aforementioned issues.


Occasional Member - Level 1

I get the same error - Trier it on different devices from Apple can‘t Login. Every Time the same Network Connection error

please fix it - Not Abel to Upload Ana expenses

Occasional Member - Level 1

Exactly the same error message. Have been using Concur on iOS without a problem. Suddenly I had to fill in my email address, and then the Connection error message appears - not even entered my password yet.
Deleted app, reinstalled, no solution.
Occasional Member - Level 1

I tried reinstalling the app, hard reset but I still get network connection error when opening the app. When is a fix expected?

New Member - Level 2

what do we do?


SAP Concur, Former Employee

Hi All,


With errors like these, the best solution is to contact your support channel. This could be the User Support Desk or your company's Authorized Support Contact. Your company will know which is the appropriate route. In both cases, they will be able to look into this for you and create a support ticket. This individual approach is necessary as no two instances of SAP Concur are alike and these issues would need to be address based on their unique configuration. 


I hope this helps!



Ashley Bragg
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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