Occasional Member - Level 1

2-segment multi-city trip

When I try to book a multi-segment trip, the search shows up with 3 segments by default.  I only need 2 segments because travel between some locations will be handled by others.  Unfortunately I can't seem to remove a segment.  Others on my team have only 2 segments and they have an option to remove a segment if a 3rd is added.  I've tried using different web browsers but the same behavior occurs which makes me think there's a setting on my profile.  How can this be resolved?

1 Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

@rw3337 try deleting ORD from that field, then doing your search. See if that works.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@rw3337 Hello.  It sounds like you need to make an open-jaw booking where you travel to one city and out of another.  You would do this by booking from the Multi-City tab.  Then fill in your from and to cities, date of travel and any other options for that arrival city.  Next you will fill out the From and To with your new departure and arrival city.  The From will automatically populate your previous Arrival city so you will have to override that.



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Thank you,
Tricia Whipps
SAP Concur Select Care Community Moderator
Occasional Member - Level 1

That seems nice, but either I'm missing something, or it doesn't work.  In the attached picture you can see that I'm leaving from Chicago and flying into Denver.  Then I want to leave from Colorado Springs and fly back to Chicago.  So far - so good.  But I don't need a 3rd segment and I can't remove the one that's automatically there.  How do I remove that last segment of the search?






Community Manager
Community Manager

@rw3337 try deleting ORD from that field, then doing your search. See if that works.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinD - Yes, that does seem to work.  I thought that I had tried that previously - but either I didn't or something changed.  I'd lean towards user error.  Thanks for your suggestions!

Occasional Member - Level 1

@TriciaW - FYI when I tried to tag you in the original reply, it said there was an issue with the HTML code... so I'll try again.