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Occasional Member - Level 2

Payment Terms

Can you please work to update the payment terms for items due on a certain date?  For example, invoices due on the 10th of the month.

Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @aforester44 ,


Technically it is not feasible because payment due date field gets auto calculated based on your invoice date + payment terms (X number of days).


If required, you can still update/overwrite existing value of payment terms or invoice due date manually at the time of invoice creation. For that you need to keep payment terms and invoice due date field modifiable to the invoice owner or for additional role such as approver/invoice processor based on your requirement. 



If this answers your query then please mark solution as accepted.

Occasional Member - Level 2

I find it hard to believe that Concur can't change this to a simple formula.  We live in a world where cars can drive themselves, but a system for automation can't create a simple formula for a due date. 

Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @aforester44 ,

I understand your point but unfortunately there is no formula concept available in invoice module. Hence, technically it is not feasible.


Routine Member - Level 1

Lol. Concur is not an ERP, it just processes the invoices and expenses submitted into the system. If the invoices are submitted on a timely manner and the due date entered correctly, then I why do you need to automate the due payment date?

Occasional Member - Level 2

The due date is the 10th of each month and unless Concur will pull that from an invoice there is no payment term we can use to show it is due on the 10th.  We have to manually key this on every invoice that is due on the 10th.

New Member - Level 1

Lol, are your personal monthly bills based on invoice date and days or based on a monthly payment due date?

New Member - Level 1


Above formula should not be difficult to implement into Concur logic fields to be able to populate a Payment Due Date based on a Remittance Date rather than Net Payment Terms only.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@aforester44 you can certainly submit this to our Continuous Influence program as a system enhancement. If that is something that interests you, please let me know.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Yes, I am definitely interested in submitting this to the Continuous Influence Program.


Thank you,
