Occasional Member - Level 2

How can I find approver details in Concur Invoice

How do I find approver details in Concur Invoice.

Is it possible to also track the time taken for approval?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ssdc_markam are you asking about seeing who approved the Invoice? Are these your own invoices or do you want to view approver details for all invoices? 


Also, what types of permissions do you have in the site? I'll await your reply and go from there.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

I want to get a list to see who approved which invoice and the date on which the invoice was approved.


I have permission to submit invoices.


Could you please let me know what permissions are required for me to have access to the above information?

Occasional Member - Level 1

I had a custom Invoice Lifecycle report created which tracks an invoices movement through the entire process, including who received the invoice, when received, and how many days it takes each user to approve it.

New Member - Level 1

who created the custom invoice lifecycle report for you?  I'm looking for the same type of reporting.