Occasional Member - Level 2

Can approvers hold an invoice aside while research is being done?


In Expense, the processor can choose to set aside a report while something is being investigated (using the 'Requires Review' button)


I can’t find the same sort of button on Invoices.  Can you advise if it is possible for an approver to ‘set aside’ an invoice that came to them for approval?


Say the pricing or the work is in question, they should be able to deliberately hold it if necessary to avoid it getting sent back after a number of days and lost in the submitter’s box again. Then the approver will lose the invoice out of their queue. Because we don't often know the need for further research until it gets to the approver. We really don't want the invoice getting sent back & forth and possibly accidentally approving it.  Because it does happen and if it was a paper invoice, it could get held to the side while investigated so we should have that option in Concur.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Kevin_DFH you should be able to. See my screenshot below. Use the Actions button to access the option.



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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks @KevinD , but is that option only available at the AP Processor level (after the approver approves the invoice)?  Notice here is one that is awaiting approval, and not yet at Accounting Review status.  The 'requires review' is greyed out



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Kevin_DFH yes. The Review option is once the Invoice is in a status of waiting for Accounting Review.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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