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Occasional Member - Level 1

You have 1 outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted.

I get this message and what to know what I have to do:

You have 1 outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted.

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Occasional Member - Level 1

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Community Manager
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@llovetr I looked up your SAP Concur profile. You submitted your PMI Annual membership fee as what we call an out of pocket expense, meaning you paid for the fee either from a personal credit card or from your personal bank account. However, I can see that you actually paid for the fee with your assigned corporate MasterCard. Looks like last year you renewed your PMI membership using your corporate MasterCard, so you should have submitted this year's renewal the same way. 

What you will need to do now is add the credit card transaction to your next report and be sure when you are filling out the expense details to check the little checkbox that says, "Personal Expense (do not reimburse). Use the comment field to explain you submitted the expense as out of pocket by mistake. When you received the funds from this expense, you will need to make a payment directly to your company card to cover the charge. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1



I am also getting this message when trying to submit my expense report. I have been trying to work with my company but still unable to resolve this. Are you able to help me? Thanks. 

@sjohnsonutac What is the message you are receiving? Also, UTAC is short for what? 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,


I am also getting the same notification for the expense I have submitted. I have submitted the expense report as I do normally and it also shows as Approve and sent for payment. Not sure why I am getting this notification. Your help is appreciated. Thank you.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@anji I can see an credit card transaction in your Available Expenses list for Inchins Bamboo Garden. This is why you are receiving the email. You submitted the expense as an Out of Pocket expense, meaning you told your company that you paid for this with either your own cash or a personal credit card. However, you paid for this meal on your company VISA card. For future reference, when you use your assigned company card, a transaction will flow into your SAP Concur profile. The system will send you an email letting you know it is Available. Once available, you can add it to an expense report. I've provided a link to a short demo video on how to add a card transaction to a report. 


Link to video:


What I would like you to do is log into SAP Concur. On the home screen, look under the section labeled My Tasks. You will see in the middle column, Available Expenses. This is where the VISA card charge is sitting. 


Because your company VISA card is what we call Individual Billed/Company Paid, you need to submit these company card charges so your company knows how much of a payment to send to VISA to pay off your company card statement. Since you submitted this expense as out of pocket, your company is now going to send you the amount of the expense. Once you receive the funds, you will need to make a payment directly to VISA to cover this charge on your statement. 



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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you for your quick response, Kevin. I have not submitted this transaction under my personal credit card. It is under company card and when I view it under "View transactions" it also shows under company card charges. Not sure if I am misunderstanding something. If I have permission, I can direct message you the screenshot of what I see. Thanks for your help. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@anji I actually went into your profile and looked at your report. I don't think you quite understood what I explained. In the screenshot below, you can see that you submitted the expense with a Cash payment type. This tells the system and anyone reviewing the report that you paid for the lunch with a method of payment that was not your company card. However, we know you did use your company card because under Available Expenses and View Transactions, you see the card charge (see second screenshot). If you had added this card charge to your report, the Payment Type would have said CITI VISA IBCP US PR (see third screenshot). Did you get a chance to watch the little demo video? This gives a quick explanation and shows you how to add a company card charge to a report. 








I hope this clarifies things a bit more. 


Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,


Thank you for all your help. This was helpful. I Will remember to follow these next time onwards.

When you get a chance could you please let me know what I need to do for the existing entry under "Available expenses" ?

Best Regards.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@anji you will still need to add it to your next expense report. When you are filling out the details of the expense after adding it to a report, be sure to tick the Personal Expense (do not reimburse) checkbox. Use the Comment field to explain you accidentally submitted the expense as Cash on a previous report. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,


As you suggested I created a new report and added comments as you suggested. I hope I did everything right. I have two questions now.

1. It's asking me to delete that report.  Should I go into the "Manage expense" page, select this report and delete it?

2. For the original "Inchins bamboo garden" report, I am still receiving the notification that I have not submitted it. What d I need to do here? . Go to Manage expenses tab, select it and submit it?

Thank you so much for your help.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@anji see my responses to your questions inline below.

1. It's asking me to delete that report.  Should I go into the "Manage expense" page, select this report and delete it? Yes. 

2. For the original "Inchins bamboo garden" report, I am still receiving the notification that I have not submitted it. What d I need to do here? . Go to Manage expenses tab, select it and submit it? Yes. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,

Got it. I will follow these steps going forward. I have also received the payment.

What am I supposed to do for the entry I see under Available expenses?


Thank you so much for your help. Appreciate it.

New Member - Level 1


Concur shows that I have an outstanding report to submit, however the purchase was retuned and the credit card shows zero balance. In addition Concur shows purchase on 06/02 and return on 07/04. Since it is a wash can this be removed from the Concur profile so I no longer get e-mail notification in regards to it.  Thank you.

Occasional Member - Level 3


I don't know what the settings or policy are for your company, but we still require credits to be submitted at my company. Our employees have to submit both the original charge and the credit with the same expense type so they cancel each other out with accounting as well.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@annalullo if you see a positive amount credit card charge on 6/2 and also see the credit for 7/4, you need to add both of these charges to the same report. They will cancel each other out. It is likely your company won't allow a zero balance expense report to be submitted, so you may have to other card charges to that report. 


In short, these two expenses, although they are a wash, need to be added to an expense report and submitted.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you for your response. I accept it.

Occasional Member - Level 1

None of these solutions are working? I have already submitted the claim manually and was informed to then redo the outstanding but as personal expenses - not owed anything. Just comes up with exceptions and unable to submit any of the 8 outstanding that I have already claimed. Surely a delete would be better rather than constant daily emails?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jaseace the ability to delete credit card transactions is something your company would need to enable in the site. However, most companies do not allow this because then employees will accidentally delete transactions then it becomes an issue trying to get the transactions rereleased. So, all company card transactions must be submitted through the system. This is a decision your company made, to not allow deleting. 


It would help greatly if you could provide a screenshot of what the exceptions are. What is the message of the exception? Is the exception yellow or red? If the exception is yellow, these can be submitted. Yellow exceptions are reminders/warnings only. If the exception is red, then I'll need to see what it is. 


Please provide some more details for me to better assist you. Unless your company has put a rule in place that doesn't allow company card transactions to be marked as personal, you should be able to submit them.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


Red exceptions - 



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jaseace the issue is you cannot submit a zero total requested amount expense claim. As the exception states, you need to add these expenses to your next non-personal claim. Your company does not users to delete company card transactions, so you have two options:

1. Wait until you have another corporate card charge, then add it to this report to bring the requested amount above zero.

2. Contact one of your card administrators and have them hide the transactions. To do this, you'll need to delete the expense report before they can hide them. I'm sending you a private message with a name to contact. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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