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Occasional Member - Level 1

Why do you think....

Why do you think the AI in Concur is so awful? I was using Expensify and in 2015, the automatic receipt-reading function was far better than Concur... seriously 10 times better: the error rate for Concur's receipt transcription (I'm talking emailed, PDF receipts) is 10x what Expensify was in 2015. 9 years ago.

Errors include:

  • getting dates wrong
  • not understanding vendor name when I forward from my email
  • incorrect totals on receipts that clearly say TOTAL: $XX.XX
  • bugs and inconsistent behavior ... sometimes forwarded receipts show up as expenses, sometimes as receipts

This product really needs a complete rebuild. SAP needs to take a close look at the product management for Concur and fix this poor quality product.


Oh and the CAPTCHA on this forum is horrible too! Must be awful web security on this page. Everything is like a buggy Web 2.0 experience.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@concr_user thank you for the feedback. I cannot speak to the ExpenseIt issue you mentioned, as I'm not on the product team for that. However, as for the Captcha, what areas of improvement would you suggest? We want to make the user experience of this Community as good as we can, so if you have suggestions for the Captcha, please let me know. I'm one of the site managers and the team I'm on can take suggestions from community members and implement them if possible. However, we just need to know what those improvements should be. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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