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New Member - Level 1

Verified Email address

I started a new job and was filling out my profile. I attempted to add my personal email to my profile but it states its already verified with another account. I am guessing this was with my old company. It tells me to unregister that email first with the other account. The problem is I no longer have access to that account and when I try to reset the password it tells me its sending an email to the old company's email address, of which I no longer have access to..


How do I get my email address removed from the old account so I can add it to the new account?. Is there someone I can email or contact to get this accomplished? thank you 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@abovepc someone from your old company will need to go and Proxy into your old profile and disable the verification. Or, someone from your current company can submit a help ticket to Concur Support and have them fix it. I'm sending you a private message with a list of names. 

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

I need help with this also. Who can we contact at SAP Concur?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@slxsteve are you just trying to get the personal email verified only? If so, you have two options:

1. Contact your previous employer and ask them to remove that email from your deactivated profile.

2. You will need your site admin to submit this to SAP Concur Support to see if they can get it un-verified. You will need to provide your old SAP Concur username, most likely.


Of the two options, your best bet is option 2. Most previous employers either ignore the request or take a long time (with a lot of reminding) to fix it.


I'm sending you a private message with the email address of you IT person who can submit this to SAP Concur Support.


In the mean time, I see you do have your company email verified. I'm guessing you might not have your work email set up on a mobile device and therefore need a personal email verified?

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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