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Occasional Member - Level 3

Updating a Travel Request after Approval

Hello all,


If the user is creating his request and it got approved (approved more than 24 hours). Is there a way the user can recall that same approved request and edit again?



1 Solution
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@AEM Travel Requests cannot be edited once approved. 



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SAP Concur, Former Employee



Thanks for posting!


The ability to change a booked trip is controlled by a site setting, which means some companies allow changes and some do not. To determine if this is possible for you, simply log into your SAP Concur account, click on the Travel tab and then click the Upcoming Trips tab. You can then select your trip and click Change Trip. If you do not see this link and you need to change your ticketed reservation, please contact your supporting Travel Management Company (TMC).


Hope this helps!

Ashley Bragg
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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@AshleyB I believe @AEM is referring to Travel Request, not a travel itinerary. Where the user creates a travel request adding their estimated amounts for Air, Car, Hotel, etc. itinerary items and then submits for approval. Once approved, they are then allowed to book their trip. They are asking if they can edit the Request after it has been approved by their manager. 🙂

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SAP Concur, Former Employee

Hi @KevinD 


Thanks for the clarification and for helping @AEM out! That's why we are a community. #strongertogether



Ashley Bragg
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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@AshleyB I do what I can. LOL. 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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@AEM Travel Requests cannot be edited once approved. 



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Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi @KevinD & @AshleyB 


Yes, that was exactly what I was referring to! And thank you for your reply!


Much appreciated!




Community Manager
Community Manager

@AEM I have an update to this issue. There is an option to allow Requests to be recalled after approval. This is a workflow option that must be turned on. If it is, the request can be recalled by the user after manager approval, edited, then resubmitted. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi, has this featured been updated recently? I have seen some of our employees can recall a Request and then others cannot. For example, I have a Request that was approved, trip did not occur yet and I can recall the Request. However Looking at another employee who was just approved today for the Request cannot recall. I am just trying to understand when and where a Request can be recalled or not. Mainly for education purposes as in the past we told employees we cannot recall and they needed to complete another Request for the addtional information or changes.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@caslusser the employee who had the request approved today (really two weeks ago), were the dates of the trip in past possibly?


Requests cannot be recalled if the dates are in the past or the request is assigned to an expense report. I would need to look at the Request of the employee who wasn't able to recall. There must be something about the request that won't allow recalling.

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin is this new? Only last week I was told it could be recalled but not edited after approval. The only other solution I was offered was to allow an employee to copy the old request and resubmit. But the solution above is what I'm looking for, how do I request this please?

@Sarah-Edwards See my updated post about allowing the Recall option through workflow. Requests can be recalled if not fully approved. 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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