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New Member - Level 1

The new UI is awful

Literally, awful.  It looks like someone tried making a mobile site and ruined everything that was good about the old interface, which was easy to use and you could see everything at once to be able to quickly attach receipts to expenses.  It was so much more confusing having to go into each expense individually to attach receipts.  The advantage of using the website on a computer is totally wasted now, and the fonts are so comically large it makes it look like it was a school project someone did for a high school web design class.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Where has the drag option for receipts gone? This is a feature of the old system we use all the time. 

@Pioneerhardware if you scroll down this thread, you will see a link to an article that mentions our NextGen UI feedback program. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


What is wrong with the new UI?  Listing a few below, but the list can go on!


  • Attaching receipts
  • No option to view expenses that are missing required receipts
  • Adding Attendees is much harder now than before
  • Takes 2 to 3 times longer to complete an expense report
  • Layout is clunky


Who thought that this was a good idea to change? The team or person who created the new layout obviously doesn’t have to create MASSIVE EXPENSE REPORTS.


The new layout takes more time to complete an expense report than before making the changes inefficient.


If SAP Concur doesn’t go back to the previous layout, what is the point of using it?  Might as well go back to excel spreadsheets like 20 years ago.  It would be faster to complete an expense report that using the new UI.


As another user asked **** How can you revert back to the old interface? ***

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ldee13 I can address two of the things you listed:


  • Attaching receipts - Our product team is currently developing drag and drop to make receipt attachment faster
  • Adding Attendees is much harder now than before - My product team contact mentioned to me that this is likely the next item on their enhancement roadmap.


There isn't any revert back option, unfortunately. However, if you would like to provide feedback specific to NextGen UI, here is an article that discusses how: NextGen UI Feedback.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

When is the drag and drop coming back. A basic feature taken away? 

@jocelynfleur my source told me that this feature will be released in two phases. Phase 1 is supposed to be this month with Phase 2 by the end of the year. From what I was told, Phase 1 will be the ability to drag and drop from outside of SAP Concur (i.e. from your desktop or a folder on your computer). Phase 2 is supposed to be drag and drop from within product (your receipt library). 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

Thank you. Do you know why so many were taken away. As you can see the new UI is very unpopular and has many issues. 

@jocelynfleur I'm just the please keep that in mind. I was told that things that were removed (i.e. drag and drop, icons) were due to low usage by end users.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin, 


I can certainly understand how you feel. Will there be any response on the error messages that our users getting when using the site. I have heard that other users have the same issue. What is the fix for this? 

Frequent Member - Level 1

I find the drag-and-drop receipt situation so strange.  Firstly, I don't know how Concur would be able to measure how high the usage was.  Secondly, the fact they've changed tack so quickly after the universal roll-out shows that it was both technically feasible with the new UI and usage was much higher than they assumed/calculated.

Occasional Member - Level 3

I work at a large company in the Bay Area. The Executive Assistants (delegates) all used the drag and drop feature. The new interface is widely disliked.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Why didn't Concur just wait until they had everything working before forcing the entire user base to an untested UI? If they tested with end users, they failed monumentally. I suspect they ran some reports and based most of their decisions on that rather than actually getting feedback from the user base. I suppose they are getting feedback now... but many of the users will likely migrate to another platform instead of helping Concur rebuild their UI from scratch. Its hard to imagine the level of disconnect that has lead to this. It really was a good platform, before.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@JamesGay in all honesty, I don't know what the development and product team's strategy was for implementing and launching the new UI. I have to think they released it when they did for a specific reason, but what that reason is, I don't know.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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As far as attendees, when I look at the line item, the attendees show and then there is no $ attached to them so our audit rule for the total amount is triggered and a warning given, when the employee is in policy.  When I spoke to Support (because the tab doesn't work) they said it was a known error that I wouldn't be notified of unless I submitted a ticket for the problem.  Can' submit a ticket and fielding more questions and comments about this change.  My employees are hating it as it takes them 3x as long to make their reports.

Nancy Murray
New Member - Level 3

OMG. This UI is HORRIBLE. So unintuitive and inefficient. What were they thinking!?

The old interface was natural and intuitive. Open a report, look at the receipts, start an expense, connect the receipt to the expense. All on one page.

Now, there is no way to do this without memorizing what receipts there or keeping multiple windows open. Total chaos.


I have so many internal complaints that we are getting inundated with requests to look at a new expense report system. I have used Concur for something like 20 years in 3 different companies.


How can I get back to the old interface? PLEASE.

Occasional Member - Level 1

Absolutely.  It is way too slow, takes way too many clicks, has way too many screens and pop up screens, is not intuitive, cannot pull receipts from the gallery any longer, and is incredibly frustrating to use.  This was supposed to make it better?  Who tested this?  The old UI was 100% better than whatever this is- this is horrible.

Routine Member - Level 1

Sorry to say, I actually like this new version. It's so much cleaner and much better for auditing. I have so many team members that are way too quick in doing their expenses that they make way too many errors and I have to send back their reports for corrections. Then they get mad at me. This is not on knowing how to do them, it's on human error and going too fast. I feel that this new look will have the team member slow down just a tad and actually look at what they are doing and enter in the expense correct. We also have a policy that receipts have to be attached at the entry level and not as a one large attachment. A few extra clicks to make sure our work is correct, is really not that big of a deal. I rather have correct expenses on the front end, then wasted time on the backend sending back reports, correcting all these errors from team members going too fast. 

Occasional Member - Level 3

I can't believe I've spent all that time training our users to submit what we need instead of just slowing them down and hoping that made them do better.


The receipt thing you mentioned is a setting under Receipt Handling.  You can configure it so they can only be attached at the entry level.

Occasional Member - Level 2

yeah, they're going to slow down, for sure... wayyyy down. 

I explain to my users to use the app to attach the receipt pictures at the line item.  Relatively easy once the report is completed and you just take a picture.  

Nancy Murray
Occasional Member - Level 3

We got the new interface rolled out on October 1, like many others. Corporate AMEX accounts close at the end of the month, so many of us are just now seeing and experiencing these changes. I am astonished at how incredibly bad this new version is and how completely it disregards and overlooks the needs and requirements for the administrative professionals that actually process expenses and expense reports on behalf of executives in most large companies; I am talking about the features and functionality that afford the heavy user,  the delegate who processes expenses & reports for multiple people each month, the tools with which to put together an expense report efficiently, speedily and comfortably (has the Concur development team ever heard of ergonomic health and safety??) We don’t put together expense reports on our phones or mobile devices; we use the company laptop and 27 - 32” monitors with a keyboard and mouse. As hundreds of comments here on these forums have already indicated, what once took a drag & drop, and perhaps a mouse click or two, now takes multiple to almost endless mouse clicks, with repeated drilling down and opening of single windows to do even the simplest things. Multiply those hundreds of mouse clicks, opening and closings of single windows and the constantly having to drill down for information (once easily available and visible “at a glance” in the former interface) by 4-6 detailed expense reports per month and you’ve created all the conditions necessary for a good case of carpal tunnel syndrome, hand and wrist pain, eye strain, frustration and general mind numbing. Concur, believe me when I tell you that no one who knows better wants to sit in front of a slow moving, poorly designed, inefficient, “do one thing at a time” type of program for hours each month just to get their job done.

There is nothing intuitive about this new interface that I have found. It is clunky with no accessibility adjustments available. As commenters before me have said, it appears that Concur is catering now primarily towards mobile device users and as such is forcing that layout upon all users (I don’t know anyone that compiles and completes detailed travel and expense reports on their phones.) As such the new layout is needlessly huge, non-adjustable and visually taxing on a large screen display. Has Concur ever heard of accessibility features so that the expert user can customize and comfortably and safely use their product?

 How on earth did Concur come up with the idea of removing the “desktop view”, the “expert user” view, the “high volume or heavy user” view or whatever you’d like to call the original layout and interface? I work for a bay area company that employs over 1000 people and in almost all cases, it is the Executive Assistants who actually do the expense reports. I’ve worked in similar roles for almost 20 years, and used Concur for much of that time, and in all cases, it was the Assistants that create and complete the detailed travel and expense reports - on their desktops.

Before I found these forums, I’d already written to both my admin managers and our internal service team that says they are in contact with the Concur support team. So far not much response except to indicate that Concur tells them they have no intention of moving anyone back to the former interface. If that is the case, in spite of and in the face of all this clear dislike of the new product, from the community and their customer base, then I think it is probably time for us to find a smarter, more agile and intuitive travel and expense program that is ergonomically safe for individuals to use.