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New Member - Level 1

The new UI is awful

Literally, awful.  It looks like someone tried making a mobile site and ruined everything that was good about the old interface, which was easy to use and you could see everything at once to be able to quickly attach receipts to expenses.  It was so much more confusing having to go into each expense individually to attach receipts.  The advantage of using the website on a computer is totally wasted now, and the fonts are so comically large it makes it look like it was a school project someone did for a high school web design class.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Unfortunately, I have to agree with the above post. This new UI is much less efficient than it was before.


Previously I could identify my expense, update the expense details, and attach a receipt all on the same screen. 


Now I have to navigate through multiple different screens and wait for a few seconds for each screen to load. Also, part of the receipt gets cut off from the showcut view, so the receipt main expense screen needs to be opened on a separate browser tab for easy receipt identification.


What used to take me 30 minutes to complete my expense report, now has taken hours. How is this more effiicent? Please provide clear user instructions on how this is intended to be used.

Occasional Member - Level 3

I agree. It is just so inefficient! Please bring back the old interface.


The new one is like using the mobile app. 

the old one was much much better and efficient. Multi screen, easy input different fields without reloading screens, better search engine of attendees. 

Really will pass the feedback in my company to abandon concur.

Occasional Member - Level 3

It is not a question of instructions. It is just poor design and not based on user experience. Is not something that can be patched, it is just a bad bad idea that needs to be reverted

Occasional Member - Level 3

Fully agree.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@diacona @bsmihosky we appreciate you sharing your opinions and we have passed on your feedback. You can also share your feedback about the NextGen UI with your SAP Concur Account/Client Success Manager. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

I have shared my concerns, and my team agrees about the new UI's inefficiencies, so we've since reverted back to the old interface.


Concur Expense is a very important tool that we use, so I hope that creating and submitting these reports stays as efficent as possible. Constantly switching between screens and having to wait for each one to invidually load is a challenging adjustment.

New Member - Level 1

I do have the same issue, the workflow of the new UI is terrible and extremely slow.


I can't find a way to revert back to the old UI, how did you reverted back to the old interface exactly ?

Occasional Member - Level 3

how can you revert back to the old interface?

Occasional Member - Level 2

How do you revert to the old UI ? This new one is terrible! It takes sooooooo long to do anything now. The previous UI had really become fast and efficient over the last 12-18 months. Everything takes a very long time, now!

Occasional Member - Level 1

This new version is terrible, takes twice as long to process expenses. I would love to hear from Concur Support on whether there are any improvements on the horizon, otherwise we may need to look into what other systems are available that can provide us with the efficiency we need.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@nrikaloska hello there. When you say "takes twice as long to process expenses" are you referring to the amount of time for employees to fill out their expense reports or the process once they have submitted? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

Kevin, the new UI requires many more clicks and makes the completion of an Expense report take easily 3X longer.   In particular, the new UI doe not allow to view ALL receipt images on a fixed page like the previous version.  Also, processing each expense requires more clicks.

How can I revert to the previous UI?


Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Eayanegui I won't argue that the receipt attachment and saving takes longer now in the new UI. I have to use the new UI as well and I will admit there are features of our Legacy UI I wish were part of the new UI. For example, the ability to drag and drop receipts. 


As far as viewing all receipts on a fixed page, I can view all receipts attached to a report. I don't know if that is what you mean by a fixed page. In our Legacy UI you had options to view receipts in new or current window. Now it says Manage Attachments or View Receipts in New Window if you are looking at your own reports. If you are viewing reports as an approver or processor, the view options are still the same since the new UI isn't activated for the approver and processor views. 



As for reverting back, I don't believe you can once your entire site has been converted to the new UI. Even if you could, October 1st of this year is the mandatory cutover and all of our customers will be moved to the new UI. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Kevin,  the new UI is bad on so many levels and being forced upon us employee users is going to be a backwards step for your organisation.  I seriously ask that the respective management go back to the drawing board and try again.  Or as a minimum, keep the old UI open for users to choose.  Please have your designers become users and see for themselves what has gone wrong.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@PJS I'm just the messenger here. As I stated in my post to @Eayanegui, I feel there are things that can be improved with our new UI and some features that I think should have never been done away with. Unfortunately, my role isn't one where I can provide feedback to our developers. The feedback needs to come directly from our customers. That is the only way the new UI can be improved. 


You can provide your feedback through our Customer Engagement Initiative. You can read about it here: CEI Program.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Understood Kevin, this horrible concur next gen interface does not put you in an easy position as community manager. Personally I am grateful to your understanding 😉 and participation in this thread.


It is unfair to assume the basis that interface can only be good if the customers give feedback as it is a user responsiblity. It is actually Concur responsibility to hire a interface design team who actually uses the interface, can perform a usability test instead of forcing the user to bad experience and then collect their feedback.


Concur is literally forcing us to waste extra hours of our lives due forcing all users to a new interface that requires more clicks, and more time to perform the same activity as with the previous interface. 


The honest thing to do, would be admit the next gen iterface is a failure, revert gobally to the former one until they can come with something that improves the previous version. Instead, they try to convice us with Concur Success Managers / Costumer Engament Program / Promotional NextGen videos such as:

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Juaorpo I appreciate your understanding of me being understanding. I also appreciate your candor and feedback. You do make some good points and although you aren't thrilled with our feedback process, I hope you will go in there and do your part. 


I'm here if you ever have any questions. Even those not related to NextGen UI. LOL. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Well said. I just found this group and am seeing feedback and complaints the same as mine and actually even worse. We just got the new interface in early October. It is unbelievably bad. So cumbersome and inefficient to use. And for someone with accessibility requirements painful and impossible to use.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Thanks for this link Kevin.  I appreciate that it is a direct way to enroll to provide feedback, unlike the option previously available.  I've signed up and will wait for someone to contact me.  I still think it is insane to make customers work so hard to tell you what is wrong. 


I also feel bad for you if you are truly in a position where you're somewhat held out as the face of this transition but aren't able to communicate our concerns to the people that need to hear them.


It is sad that SAP Concur would choose to do business that way, but I can't really say that I'm surprised.  It does feel pretty consistent with the way we've been treated over the years in every situation except those where someone thought they could sell us additional services.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@reedred I hope you will be active in the CEI and give your feedback. 


Sorry about your experience where you felt mistreated unless someone wanted to sell you something. That's not my philosophy and not what I think our customers should feel. 


This might be not much of a consolation, but here on this community, you will be treated kindly no matter what. 


Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, feedback, etc. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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