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Occasional Member - Level 3

Temporary allowance of full deduction for business meals 2021-2022

"Employers will be able to deduct 100% of their business meal expenses that are incurred in 2021 and 2022, rather than the standard 50%. The provision is limited to “food or beverages provided by a restaurant,” consistent with the policy objective behind this provision of  assisting the restaurant industry. The phrasing of “provided by” may also indicate that meals delivered to a business associate for a virtual meal  may be covered by the 100% deduction." (doordash, grubhub, Postmates etc...)


 Just curious how any of you might capture this in Concur. Will you be updating your expense types? etc...Just trying to brainstorm how we will be able to best capure these in Concur. 


Any ideas thoughts would be helpful. 🙂

Frequent Member - Level 1

Dear @pnenes ,

I would understand this applies only for meals taken within the US region, so your company is doing also business elsewhere, this shouldn't apply out of US.


As I am not aware of your expense types company's structure however I would guess it would be easy to filter within a Cognos report [Expense type (meals), date, location, amount, Vendor Name].


It would give you the possibility to report correctly the amount it would be deductible within US. Or please share what has been decided (as this was asked on the forum more than a month ago).


thank you




Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Routine Member - Level 3



Meals Deduction for USA 2021 The new Coronavirus tax bill has a 100% deduction for business meals and beverages in a restaurant that are incurred after Dec. 31, 2020, and before Jan. 1, 2023!


Do you have the allowance currently set up in your expense type? If so, I will hide the expense type with the allowance rule.  Inactivate it and create a new expense type without restrictions. 


Or is this something that accounting/tax calculates in the back office?


Contact your concur expense service rep or open a support case to go over the process.  


Do the same with reporting to capture the 2021 and 2022 spend.  


You may post the change in the Company Info to communicate with your users 


I hope this helps!


Maria Steen