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Occasional Member - Level 1

Removing statement reports for pcards

Currently we are using statement reports for pcard. We are discussing removing statement reports to allow associates to submit expense reports within company policy. Is there any other companies that have removed statement feature? If so, were any issues for the associates that have both travel card and purchasing card when creating expense reports?

Occasional Member - Level 2

We have two programs, AMEX is not on the card program in Concur, but our Pcards are. I believe that you can submit an expense report with transactions from multiple cards in one report. So for your employees with both card types - it will be a training issue for you to educate the users to segregate the charges into different expense reports, if that's what you want. Realize not everyone does what they're told so there will be errors. You need to think through all of your processes to see how the change will impact your workflow. For instance, I track all the Pcard Statement submissions for delinquency by running a query from the Processor queue for Statement Reports. You would lose that visibility if you remove the card program. There's other ways to approach this with Cognos reports, but again, think about how it will impact your internal processes.