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Occasional Member - Level 1

Rejecting single line items



I'm new to using Concur and responsible for auditing and approving expenses for payment.  I can't find a way to return single line items while approving the rest of the report.  We have reports that have dozens of line items and it's tough to send back those reports when they transposed a number or are missing one receipt.  we are on the basic concur system.


thanks for any insight!


Community Manager
Community Manager

First, when you say you are on the basic Concur system, do you mean you are on the Standard version? This is important to know, because allowing single line items to be returned is activated differently in each of the versions of SAP Concur. 

I'm going to take it that you do mean our Standard version. You will need to go to Administration>Expense Settings>Policy>Expense Compliance. On the Compliance Controls screen, you will need to check the box that says "Allow users to split expense reports". 

This will turn on a checkbox that approvers can see that is labeled "Send back expense?". They need to check this box, click Save, then Approve the report. All items with the Send back expense boxed check will be placed on an addendum report (it technically creates a new report) and sent back to the sumbitter while the rest of the report moves forward in the approval process. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

We have professional but I do not see this option in Site Settings. Is this something I have to get with support and activate? If so, why?

Occasional Member - Level 2

I had the same problem!   You do need to have them 'turn on' the feature.    This is my support ticket from a few weeks ago..


Case Subject: Send Back Expense


Case Comment: Hi Carmen,

I have made the field 'Send Back Expense' visible and modifiable to your processors.

Please review this change and let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Gee Decker


Case Description: Hello! Would you please enable the "Send back expense" feature within our Concur system? This allows selected line items to be returned without returning the entire report.


Occasional Member - Level 2

Hey Kevin!   Can you answer the same question for the Professional version?   Concur Support 'turned on' the feature for me via a ticket I submitted, but it doesn't look any different and I don't see how to select one line to return.  Perhaps I need to also activate something on our side within compliance?   Your input is appreciated!

Occasional Member - Level 2

Hey Kevin!   Can you answer the same question for the Professional version?   Concur Support 'turned on' the feature for me via a ticket I submitted, but it doesn't look any different and I don't see how to select one line to return.  Perhaps I need to also activate something on our side within compliance?   Your input is appreciated!

Occasional Member - Level 1

Did they ever respond with this? Very interested to see if it helps or what?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Did you ever figure this out. When the option is turned on, approvers will see a check box on the expense report they are reviewing that says, "Send back expense?". They need to check this box for the line item they are reviewing, then click save. Repeat for any other expense they need to send back. Then they click Approve. All expenses that are to be sent back will be placed on an Addendum report and all other expenses move forward in the approval process. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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