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Community Manager

Re: Report for Company car mileage with Business distance

@espencer1trumpf hello there. Do you have experience building reports in Cognos? If so, you could build your own report to show the distances employees have entered. 


It would include the following data items:


Report Name

Expense Type (filter this item for Company Car Mileage)

Business Distance


I think that would show you what you are looking for or at least get you started. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning 

Thank you very much for your reply but i can't remember how to create a report. Please can you provide me instructions

Many thanks 

Emma Spencer

@espencer1trumpf to better help you, I need to know what reporting offering your company uses. 


When you log into SAP Concur at the top of the screen you should see an option that says Reporting. If you click that option, what do you see in the drop down that appears?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning 

We've had the new groups added for the Gross up mileage but we have realized a problem which I'm hoping you'll be able to help..


This is for certain managers only, we only need the Gross up mileage when the managers are travelling between our two sites but not when travelling anywhere else. Is they a way to split the two different types of mileage?




@espencer1trumpf If the managers are using the same expense type for traveling between sites and when traveling other places, then you won't be able to distinguish between the situations. However, you could always get a new mileage expense type created for managers to use when they are traveling between sites. Maybe name it something like Mileage - Site Visits or something similar. That way you could easily report on the two different mileages. You likely will need to submit a Support ticket to get a new expense type created.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning 

if that's not something I can do myself then that sounds like the perfect solution, how much will this cost to create the new mileage type? Also I tried to raise a ticket on the website

Error Message: Your login attempt to the concur support portal has failed. If you have more than one login with different emails, determine which login you would like to have the Authorized support contact permission and contact your contact your Concur Administrator. Error code 23. 


I think it maybe to do with our companies name change as we have no email addresses, please could you authorize my email address so I can submit support tickets again

Many thanks 

Emma  Spencer

@espencer1trumpf You can do this update yourself since your company is on our Standard configuration. Did you do any of your site setup or was that someone else who did it?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


It was me, but it doesn't seem to be working as the Gross up mileage rates have difference rates compared to the standard rates, please could you help and advise a fix

Many thanks 


@espencer1trumpf So I'm understanding correctly, you need the managers to have one mileage rate when they travel between sites and a different rate when they are not traveling between sites. 


If that is what you are asking, I don't believe you can do this. You have different policy groups set up. You can only have one rate applied to a Policy Group and employees can only be assigned one Policy Group. So, whatever the rate is assigned to the Policy Group is the rate that will be used. Also, you can create as many Mileage Expense types as you need, but putting them into the Personal Car - Mileage Reimbursement Spend Category makes that expense type use whatever rate you have setup. There isn't a way to set a condition that says, "if user is driving between sites, then use xxx mileage rate". Rates can only vary from Group to Group and only by total accumulated distance. It cannot vary by site to site or by location to location. 


The only thing I can think of would be to have those managers be given what the rate is they should have per mile and multiply it by the distance and figure out the reimbursement total manually and enter it into the Amount field. 


I wish I had a better answer, but on our Standard configuration, you are limited on what you can do.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning 

Please can you look at creating a new expense type so we can separate between sites mileage and regular mileage claims. This should be available on your site as Grossing up mileage for managers that have employees at two sites is a HMRC requirement.


many thanks


@espencer1trumpf was the above message intended for me? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


Yes as I still can't raise a ticket and I need to find away to split the mileage between sites and regular mileage as this is a HMRC requirement so we need to find away to split the mileages

Many thanks


@espencer1trumpf why are you unable to raise a Support ticket? 


Just as an role here on the Community is to provide answers to questions and issues. I don't have the ability to do the following:

1. Make configuration changes in any of our customers' sites.

2. Raise support tickets on behalf of customers.


If you are a site admin for your company, you should be able to submit a Support ticket, so I'm not sure why you aren't able to. Did you try and received an error or was it some other issue?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning 

I am an administrator but I keep receiving the following message, so I can't raise a ticket

Concur - Login Error. Your login attempt to the Concur Support portal has failed. If you have more than one login with different emails, determine which login you would like to have the Authorized Support Contact permission and contact your Concur Administrator. Please contact Client Support if your Concur Administrator is not able to resolve.

Error Code : 23

Error Description : Invalid contact


Please can you help with this

Thanks Emma

@espencer1trumpf you should be able to access the Support portal because you are the Authorized Support Contact. Have you tried calling: +1 (855) 895-4815. That is the support number for Administrators. 


If that doesn't work, do you happen to know who your SAP Concur Client Success Manager is? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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