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Routine Member - Level 1

Pending Card Transaction



Do we have any video tutorial on how 'Pending Card Transaction" payment type works.


Scenario: I have created an expense report with payment type of "Pending Card Transaction" to expect a card transaction in couple of days. I need a vidoe tutorial on how the card transaction matches to the one I created once transactions got imported to concur.


Below is extract from Payment Types setup gguide:


"Once the card transaction arrives, Concur Expense will match the card transaction to the expense and update the payment type. "

Routine Member - Level 3

I don't beleive the is a video that deals on how to manage the Pending Card Transactions.  See the link for expense videos available from Concur. Using Concur Expense | SAP Concur Training


Usually, you don't need to move the Pending Card Transactions to an expense report until the credit card has uploaded to Concur expense and automatically matches with the receipt or itinerary.  You may move the Pending Card transaction back to the Available Expenses until the credit card transaction is uploaded. 


You may keep the Pending Card Transaction in your expense report.  When you see the card transaction, move it to the expense report and 'combine' or manually match with the Pending Card Transaction to complete  your expense report. 


If  your company does not have a way to stop an expense report with Pending Card transactions, you might be reimbursed instead of the credit card. 


I hope this helps.


Maria Steen


Maria Steen
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Karthikhemadri In your scenario, it sounds like you created a new expense for an expense that was paid for on your corporate card that you were then expecting to come in and match. May I ask, why did you do it this way? Why not just wait for the card transaction to come in?


To answer your question, when the credit card transaction comes into Concur, it will still go to your Available Expenses. It does not automatically get matched to the Pending Card Transaction expense, unless you have Expense Assistant turned on, which most people do not. 


So, most likely, you are still going to have to add the credit card transaction from your Available Expenses to the expense report or turn on Expense Assistant. 


For me personally, I try to steer our customers away from using this Payment Type as it causes a Red Exception for users which can be confusing. Especially for users who don't have a corporate card and have all out of pocket expenses. They might not know they can change the payment type. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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