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Occasional Member - Level 2

Old UI vs New UI

Objectively speaking, the new UI is WAY less intuitive to use. It looks better and more modern, but that's about it. I hope you can go back to putting everything on the same screen. It's literally a chore submitting expenses with the new system, where before, everything just worked, even though it didn't look as modern.

New Member - Level 1

Yep, the new UI is poor. The old interface was much better

New Member - Level 2

Agreed. Attempting to use this new layout and am frustrated by Concur's choices here.
Give us back the one page layout, too much time wasted between screens. Will notify our organization to look into alternatives if this continues.

Occasional Member - Level 1

God, it's terrible.

It completely broke the expense flow I had before (bulk upload receipts, create a report, start creating expenses based on the available attachments)

New Member - Level 2

I can't imagine anyone consciously chooses to visit expense processing without having some form of looming work that they want to get done quickly... I suppose I can understand the desire for overhaul or company's self-perception as stale, but function really is much more important than form here...

I came to the forum on the hunt for a way to fix receipt drag and drop and 2-pane layout, did not realize this was a new UI (didn't realize Concur had a forum, either). I have dozens of expenses to process, and this is supposed to be a tiny tiny part of my job, not a late workday.

Edit: Just gave up on trying to find shortcuts, and started using it. This is really poorly thought out and frustrating. The nonessential UI accents now make slow performance even worse. Way too many necessary clicks and page/pane reloads now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@RobR our product team is working on getting the Drag and Drop launched. I believe the ability to drag from a desktop or folder is supposed to be launched this week, but that could be subject to change. I do know it is being worked on though.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 2

Thanks, that will be a huge improvement on speed and usability, for me at least. I'm going so slow with the new UI that I'm abandoning this for the night.

edit: in the field all day tomorrow so have to finish expenses tonight...

Honestly, this is a nightmare. I have receipts piling up as available and not attaching to the expense item half the time.

Also, no longer being able to see the comment means there is no field I can customize to see in the list. I have a pile of entries from the same vendor that have to be allocated differently, and I can't do so by commenting each one as I edit them, to be re-assigned later. Now each has to be opened to be re-assigned.

Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD, thanks for your reply. But honestly, instead of the team spending the next several months fixing what they broke, wouldn't it be a much better use of their time to cut their losses and go back to what worked and improve from there? It will be a huge investment of time and resources to iterate on a broken UI, not to mention the customer dissatisfaction that is piling up. Please please please send these recommendations to the team!

Occasional Member - Level 2

I just tried a drag and drop for a hotel receipt and it did seem to be working, thankfully.

Occasional Member - Level 2

@KevinD remember when Microsoft released Windows 7 and it was awesome? And then they released Windows 8 and it was a disastrous experiment? Thankfully, MICROSOFT LEARNED FROM THEIR MISTAKE and they released Windows 10 which was awesome again. I hope to see the same thing here with the new [disastrous] Concur UI. Thanks kindly for your consideration to push all of this user feedback to the team. No sense in trying to justify what's clearly not working. Thank you!

Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello KevinD!

My coworkers now have access to drag and drop, YAY!  But, for whatever reason, it is not working for me.  When I drag it to the box, there is just a "no" symbol (circle with a line through it).  HELP!

Occasional Member - Level 2

Agreed. Everything about it is bad. Even the appearance; it's so bright white it hurts to look at it. Everything is hidden so you have to just click all over looking for active words with a hidden drop down. More clicks = more time. 

I continue to be convinced that whoever designs this tool, DOES NOT use it. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@SherriG have you tried turning on the dark mode? 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Lol dark mode isn't going to save that mess. That's the least of the complaints.