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Occasional Member - Level 1

Old Expenses

I have two miniscule expenses hanging around from 2020 that are preventing me from submitting expenses.  How do I clear those items in a separate report; I am attempting to do just that but I cannot submit.

Super User
Super User

If they have been reimbursed or are personal, you could import them into your current report and mark personal so they are not paid but submitted.  I would add a comment as to the submission. If you are trying to submit them and they are not being reimbursed, your company may have a block on submitting $0 reports so adding the charges to the current report as personal is the easiest way.  The admin could also hide the charges from your account in the admin tools.

Nancy Murray
Community Manager
Community Manager

@holdenma what is the message you see when you try to submit these expenses? Your company may have a block on expenses that are older than so many days, in that case you will need help from your company's internal SAP Concur administrator to get them submitted or hidden from your view. If you don't know who your administrator is, you should reach out to your direct manager.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin and thanks for your reply.  When I submitted the report, it throws me an error message preventing me from submitting the old expenses from 2020 - "please submit in a more timely manner."


Community Manager
Community Manager

@holdenma that isn't surprising to be honest. Most companies have a rule in place that doesn't allow submission of expenses older than a certain number of days. Reach out to your direct manager to see if they know who you can contact to get these hidden from your profile.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

HI Kevin, it's happening again - 'can't clear old expenses to submit reports.  I am also receiving additional error messages during hotel itemization specifically "location worked"
