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Occasional Member - Level 2

Meal Allowance Limit

Hi All, 

I work in compliance and have zero administrator experience with Concur, but I need to propose Concur configuration change to streamline my company's T&E process. 


We want Concur to display warning message for meal allowance overage based on where the meal expense incurred. This warning message will not put a hard stop on the claim submission, it only warns the associate and line manager about overage. Can this be configured in Concur? 



Thank you very much. 

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Yes, this is possible but it really depends on how granular the limits are. Some Concur Professional clients will setup limits based simply on being foreign or domestic locations. Others will use our Travel Allowance feature for this as you can set limits at the individual city level.  

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you SteveK, 

If I just want the system to display warning message because my company reimburse actual expense, can we still use this feature? We don't want to put a cap on the reimbursement. 


Thank you. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@DeValueDriver how many different locations/cities do your employees travel to? I'm asking because if you have different limits by location, you would need create a condition in your audit rule for every location and its limit. This is possible, but would take quite a bit of work to set up all these combinations. As @SteveK mentioned, using the Travel Allowance option would prevent employees from going over because the amounts allowed by location would be configured.  When the user adds their travel itinerary the system will calculate their allowable reimbursement per day for them. 


You could also consider coming up with an acceptable meal limit globally that should not be exceeded. Maybe use a really expensive city as the standard that should not be exceeded. For example...London is a pretty expensive city. That way as long as they are not exceeding this limit, they would be in policy no matter where they travel. Just a thought. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin, 

Right now, I am thinking to have 

North America $A amount

LATAM $B amount

EMEA $A amount

ASIA Country List Alpha $A amount

ASIA Country List Beta $C amount

If we choose to use Travel Allowance option, can we configure override with approval in the workflow?


Thank you. 

New Member - Level 1

Have you noticed any trends companies follow when deciding what meal limits to have per region? For instance, a regional limit for LATAM or EMEA ( possibly split between eastern and western Europe).