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Occasional Member - Level 3

Lock expense assistant in profile settings

We would like all our users setup with expense assistant.

Then, we would like it locked so it cannot be removed.


Users are going in and turning this off and then not creating an expense report.

This causes lots of issues. If we had control to keep expense assistant on this would help. 


There would be no reason why we would not want expense assitant turned off. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

You would need to submit this as a solution suggestion since it would be a product enhancement. 


I'm curious, why aren't your employees creating expense reports? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 1

I know our corporate cardholders would go nuts if we forced Expense Assistant on them.  We trialled with a few of them and their delegates, and all of them ended up opting out.  We require them to submit one report per card billing cycle, but that doesn't match the strict calendar month cycle that Expense Assistant uses, so they would be constantly moving Expenses into the 'right' monthly report.