Occasional Member - Level 1

List Import Completed with Warnings

Hello Team,

I'm getting the following warnings after successfully uploaded the data file using List Import type. I'm not sure about 'parent list item does not exist in the hierarchy'. Kindly help me if you have any idea how to resolve this kind of issues ? 

12/01/2023 08:41 AM
Completed with Warnings


LevelRecord IdentifierMessage    
Warning List item 1  not processed because its parent list item does not exist in the hierarchy.
Warning List item 2  not processed because its parent list item does not exist in the hierarchy.


Warnings have been generated during the list import process that might affect the application's configuration.  Each of these warnings must be reviewed by the appropriate administrator to determine if any corrective actions are necessary for the application's configuration.

Venu Kona
IT ERP Analyst
Community Manager
Community Manager

@venukonatham could you send me a private message with the two list items in question, please? To send me a private message, click my username, then the Message button.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin, Thank you very much for your response.
I'm trying to send you the private message but getting the below error when I click the submit button. I don't see any highlighted errors and its just a plain text message in a body.

Correct the highlighted errors and try again.

Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and send the message when you are satisfied.

Venu Kona
IT ERP Analyst
Occasional Member - Level 1

I sent you a private message. Thanks.

Venu Kona
IT ERP Analyst
Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi all,


How did you fix this issue? I am getting the same problem.



Community Manager
Community Manager

@aprentice are you importing using an Excel file or some other file type? Do you have a screenshot of the entire error message, by chance?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin,


I am using a txt file, I can send a copy of it if you need, this is the error in full below.




Thanks for helping



Community Manager
Community Manager

@aprentice I haven't used the .txt file before when doing a list import, so I'm not sure how it all works. I did find our guide on using this type of import that you might find helpful:


Give that a look and see if it helps at all.


Also, in looking at your site, I do see that you have a connected list set up in your Forms and Fields, however in list management the list you mentioned is showing as a five level list. In Forms and Fields, it shows the connected list as only using four fields, so I'm not sure on why the discrepancy on the number of levels and the number of fields used.





Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Interestingly, when I go to create these entries manually in List Management:




It tells me it already exists, but I can't view it in List Management, nor does it appear in the drop down where the field is displayed (Invoice Line Items)

Occasional Member - Level 2

Apologies, I'm finding things as I further investigate here!


Manually adding what I needed to the List didn't work, as it appears somewhere hidden it already exists, (which may explain the funny list import error, if it's already there somewhere in the back end, but not the front end), so I tried re-uploading the same doc but with a . at the end of each code, and that's done the job, my users can now continue submitting invoices (the field in question was mandatory)


I still need to somehow resolve this though, as the code is linked to our GL in our ERP, which obviously doesn't have a . at the end of each cost centre.



Community Manager
Community Manager

@aprentice what is the name of the list you are trying to modify?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin,


It is *MRN_INV_Cost_Objects

Frequent Member - Level 1


Have you tried showing Deleted list items in List Management?  Perhaps HTS had been used in the past and deleted.



Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks Dean, I tried that but unfortunately they don't show.