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Occasional Member - Level 2

Let heavy duty users switch to the old UI

My company's reports frequently have hundreds upon hundreds of charges that need to be reconciled per user/card per month. This new UI is cute and friendly for light users, but it's not made for heavy users like us. 


Please let us have the option to switch back to the old UI until they can figure out how to design a new UI that can accommodate the workflow of heavy users.


Thank you.


P.S. I do not wish to create an SAP Influencer account because I cannot disclose the name of my company. Let me know who I can email privately and I will do so.



Community Manager
Community Manager

@yyg there is not an option to revert back to the Legacy UI.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

If this is a community issue as it looks like it is, why would a private message be sent and not a community message?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@ehopperton a private message was sent because @yyg didn't want any information about their company being disclosed publicly. Also, I do not post the names of people that are a company's Authorized Support Contact or are the SAP Concur employee in charge of a company's account for privacy reasons. So, I sent @yyg a private message letting them know who to reach out to at their company that could contact SAP Concur. 


As for the answer about reverting back to the Legacy UI...this is not possible. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

To your response above - "As for the answer about reverting back to the Legacy UI...this is not possible."


I ask why is the approval screen the exact same as the old interface?  I wish this forum allowed for screen shots to be posted.  The old system may not have been "pretty" but it worked.  Your company is wasting your customers time by making changes that don't even include functionality that you had before.  Let alone the wasted time in increase in the amount of time that it takes to do a report. 

New Member - Level 1

Agree completely!! The new interface is making me take up 30% more time trying to figure out how to post and account for expenses that used to take seconds to enter. Not happy. 

Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks for the info @KevinD. Can you please at least ensure the leaders at SAP are aware of this issue? Do they use their own product to submit expenses? Because if so, I'm sure they're all experiencing the same headaches! The new UI is total garbage and wastes everybody's time (A LOT OF TIME!!!)

Occasional Member - Level 2

YES, I completely agree with the user in this comment. Too much time is spent filling out expense reports. I don't care how the UI looks, it's about it being user-friendly. 

New Member - Level 2

all user-friendly features were removed. i can't see how this new interface is an improvement at all. 

New Member - Level 3

Please, please, please allow users to switch to the older interface.  It is so much easier to use and faster to create expense reports.

The new UI is awful, you can't see what receipts are available until you create an expense.  You can no longer do quick expenses.  It is awful

New Member - Level 2

The new UI is completely inefficient for heavy users, please let us revert back, the amount of time wasted on this is becoming ridiculous, having to save every image down as opposed to being able to drag the pdf in, along with many other features that now no longer exist. not to mention how slow it is!

Occasional Member - Level 2

THIS IS BRUTAL. Takes hours to complete 40 Expenses. For the love of god please change this. 

New Member - Level 1

The new UI is horrible - like a cart with square wheels it just clunks along.... very poor design. Love to know how many actual users were allowed to Beta test this hot mess before it was released!!

New Member - Level 1

Yes, the new UI is really bad. I loved how it loaded the next receipt for me to fill in. 

Why would a company remove useful features? This make no sense. 

Occasional Member - Level 1

We have expense reports with sometimes 50+ line items. It is now painful and inefficient for approvers to click on each individual expense to see allocations. I know they can change to detail view to see the allocations but there is no way to see this on one screen without scrolling to the right and then the scroll bar is on the bottom so they have to go back and forth. Please bring back the old interface! The old interface was user friendly and working fine, not sure how the new interface is supposed to be an upgrade when it is adding a lot more time into workflows.

Occasional Member - Level 2

Agree. I'm really struggling with this new version and a big expense report. I can't even see how to detatch a receipt where it's been auto-allocated incorrectly. I gave it a try, but it's much slower to work with. I'd also much prefer the old UI.

Occasional Member - Level 2

I just created a new topic on this very subject:

The new UI adds WAY more time to users' workflows!! It's ridiculous that SAP would force a change down users' throats the makes submitting expenses a total chore and wastes precious minutes in their days!

New Member - Level 1

Agree with all the posts here. The new UI is to sparse and the information density is low, this makes it less productive. It's also lost key features like drag and drop receipt uploads. Why would you launch a new UI without this key feature and NOT allow users to opt-out/revert to the old interface?

New Member - Level 2

The new UI is awful, who approved this?
Bring back the old single-screen UI ASAP!