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Routine Member - Level 3

Initial thoughts on the new Expense UI.

I'm interested in users thoughts on the new UI Expense release - the pros and cons - no holds barred.

Kind regards
Richard Grigg
Assistant Director, Business Services
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Routine Member - Level 3

Thank you @Jody!

Richard Grigg
Assistant Director, Business Services
Australian Bureau of Statistics
New Member - Level 3


I don't understand the logic behind the icon removal.  I just implemented Concur 2 years ago and no one has made any comments about the icons being difficult to understand.  They are extremely useful to hover over to quickly get information needed by those preparing expenses for multiple travelers (airfare card for all travelers).  Removing this will basically incapacitate our travel manager.  She tried the new UI and turned it off due to the cumbersome extra clicks involved.  

thanks for your consideration



SAP Concur, Former Employee

Hi @melodiehayes,

Thank you for voicing your concern. We will be continuing to improve our product experience for all types of users and coming updates will address this concern. We are developing an experience for Approvers and Processors. This will give them access to more information that can be viewed quickly. The release date for that redesign is not yet set. 

We appreciate your feedback! 

Ashley Bragg
SAP Concur - Community Manager

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Occasional Member - Level 2

After some review, I agree that the huge screen view needs to be adjustable.  We utilize Snagit on a daily basis to provide quick email instruction to users.  If we have to provide 2+ visuals just to accommodate the required scrolling to see the necessary info .... it will be cumbersome.  I would love it if they could provide the option.  Thanks!!!

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

I love Snagit! 

A cool feature of Snagit is that it can take a picture of a scrolling screen!  You should be able to do a screen capture via SnagIt of everything in the browser view including scrolling to get the entire page.

Routine Member - Level 3

I was doing my expense report yesterday for the month in the new UI and had about 10 transactions that I needed to attach receipts. Then it struck me - no more drag and drop from the receipt gallery, unless I am missing something. That was one feature my heavy users (EA's) really valued in the present UI.

Richard Grigg
Assistant Director, Business Services
Australian Bureau of Statistics
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Duly noted, @RichardG! Stay tuned on this one.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

I just starting to look at new UI.  I like the hotel itemization changes and having the receipt by the entry.    

On the downside, we're concerned users will view the + where you add receipts as a indicator a receipt is required.  Before there was an icon indicating receipt required. 


Routine Member - Level 1

I decided to do my Concur Fusion expense report in the new UI,  but due to system issues with the new UI it still is not submitted.  I am surprised by the errors and incorrect functionalty that has occured given that this is in production and this is a very basic travel expense report.   I could not assign an expense type to an unassigned credit card transaction that had been applied to the report.  Once this was fixed, it is now not autopopulating fields that it should (me as an attendee for a meal while traveling and some of our accounting fields. 

We will be doing very extensive testing to ensure that our customization is not lost in the upgrade and that all functions are working as expected.

I agree with many of the comments made in this post. 

  • Hovering over credit card icon was very helpful.  Could you not have an Icon that says "Visa" or what ever the payment type  is and still provide the functionality of hovering over it for details?
  • Font size is too large,  scrolling is not productive.
  • The + sign for receipts does make it appear that it is required when often it is not.
  • The ability to drag and drop will be missed
  • I do like the itemization for Hotels, our associates have been asking for a way to handle different rates each night.

We will continue testing and provide feedback when we can.


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Thank you offering this feedback, @MGordon. We're reading, listening, and appreciating all of y' all helping us make it better for your employees!

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

We hope you enjoyed Fusion, @MGordon.This is great feedback, so please do keep it coming!

In the meantime, if you think there might be a bug that is not related to the new UI, I'd invite you to log a support case. With some of the improvements happening, it's entirely possible that something else could need looking into.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1

I just tried to see if my processors could access the New Expense UI.  I went under Expense Roles and added "Expense UI Preview".  After adding this role, they signed back into Concur and Expense just spins.  It looks like the new UI, but just isn't working.  Is this not the process to allow an individual to preview the New UI?  Any suggestions?


SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

I'm looking into this now, @MGordon.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

There was a brief outage this morning that was resolved about 11:30 am PDT.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

I’ve tried the new UI a few times (switching back to the old one after each time). My main issue is that I used to be able to select multiple expenses and bulk edit the Business Purpose field. Can’t find a way to do this in the new UI. This is important to us as we use that field as the text to push through to SAP.

I’ve experienced other issues but we will raise a support case for that as it may be to do with our config and the handling of GST in Australia. When I enter an expense, change something, it then throws up an flag saying that the GST amount has been manually changed when it hasn’t.

Gareth Thompson
Head Financial Services and Systems
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Routine Member - Level 2

Hey @GPThompson,

Yes, the 'edit multiple expenses' has not yet been made available in the NextGen UI, since the platform is still in its preview period. This item is listed on the document Not Yet Available In NextGen Expense, a document Concur keeps track of what has been released and what has not:

This item is the first one listed on page 2.

Once NextGen has its full release in the fall, that feature should be available.

Routine Member - Level 3

Not sure if this was addressed yet but I hope most or all of the changes will be available to preview before the Fall. Anyone know if they are planning on waiting on the new UI being turned on for everyone before updating the problem areas?

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(っ◔◡◔)っ  ☆ Fort Worth, Texas ☆
Occasional Member - Level 1

Hmmm, I cannot create a new report in the app in IOS! Only option is cancel after all fields are filled in!! FRUSTRATING!!!
Occasional Member - Level 1

We've lost a lot of fuctionality that I'm hoping will return by September release. to name a few

  • Detail View a must to keep from having to open each expense to see if something is missing
  • Business Purpose should display
  • Allocation (no more pie chart), but word allocation, so can’t hover quickly to see allocation
  • Company Card icon taken away, can’t hover to get information but have to click on the word Company Card to see the data
  • A lot more clicking around in the system
  • Itemizations don’t show, you use to be able to open them from the report and get a quick look
  • Attendees, it didn’t automatically pick employee if the expense type was changed.
Occasional Member - Level 2

Normally it is easy for me to tell if an employee is abiding by company policy & booking through our TMC because the icons indicate the flight, car and hotel and the icons are attached to the expense. In the new UI how can I tell if there is a reservation linked to the expense for air, car and hotel? How can I drive compliance of using TMC for all bookings if I cannot tell if the reservation is linked with a quick glance. Might just be a training issue on my part. Would appreciate any insight.

Occasional Member - Level 2

My initial thoughts on the new UI, are that I like it. It seems to be more user friendly for people who are not finance minded, or used to item level details. I have done a preview of the new UI with all of our groups and only a few questions came up. Maybe they'll be released when it's live in September, either way, here they are in no particular order.

  1. Will there be no ability to drag and drop?
  2. Will you still be able to go into the receipt library and start building your report?
  3. Where is the mileage calculator?
  4. Why if there are attendees required does it not automatically add the user?
  5. Will the approver and reviewer screens change?
  6. The BIG question was - when will the Business Purpose be fixed in the app so you don't have to keep going back into every expense and add it? This has nothing to do with the new UI, but our employees REALLY want this fixed.

Is the plan to wait on the new UI to be turned on for everyone before you update the problem areas? Or are they being worked now and released each month?