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Occasional Member - Level 1

Importing Atendees

I am trying to complete an expense report however each time I try and import my attendee list it gives me an error message and states to make sure it is in the correct langauge. Has anyone else had issues adding or imporing attendees? I have 54 I need to add and have not been able to import or add them individually.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@wendihudson can you provide a few of the names you are trying to add? Also, if you can provide me your full name and your company name, I can go in and take a look at your expense report. 


Please send the info in a private message. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I am facing the same issue. What is the solution?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@bsomesh the solution for the original poster was that there site was configured to not allow adding fellow employees as attendees for the expense type. 


I can't say that is the same issue for you. If you post your company name, I can go in and take a look. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks Kevin. My company name is Shell. The expense type I am trying to add is Gifts - Staff. Please let me know what you find in the config.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@bsomesh I don't see any issue. I went into your expense report and added your name to one of the expenses and it worked. 


Did you try to add an employee and the system wouldn't take the name or are you not sure where to find employees' names to add them to the report? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinD I am trying to add employees by importing data from an Excel file. I downloaded the template from Concur, filled all emp details and tried to upload the file. When I hit the Next button I get the following error:

"Error uploading or processing the Excel file. Unable to read the Attendee data. Please verify that the template you are using matches your current language setting."

Community Manager
Community Manager

@bsomesh I believe this is because of how your site is configured that the system forces you to pull  the Employees' information from the system since they all have user profiles. Therefore you will need to use the Advanced Search option from the Attendees section of the expense report and search for the employees you need to add.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

I have the same problem: once Excelfile is downloaded and filled, the historically new error message occurs:

Error uploading or processing the Excel file. Unable to read the Attendee data. Please verify that the template you are using matches your current language setting.

No matter how extensions are changed/saved Excel isn't recognized. I am working with Excel-Import files for quite some years now in Concur, but this time none of the tips and tricks helped. Changing language settings in the Excelfile properties manually gets You in a waiting loop in upload which you will have to exit as nothing happens (freezes).

Please advise

Import list carries 62 names/addresses and I am reluctant to enter all of them manually

Community Manager
Community Manager

@THOFO were you able to get this issue resolved? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

I was having the same issue.  I am using Excel 2016, saved the file with .xlsx extension.  I tried various changes and finally found that the extension could be either .ls or .xlsx, but the file must be saved as an Excel 97-2003 type.  That seemed to work ok.

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Kevin, is this the same for SAP America? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@chobrien I actually do not have access to our site, but it is very common for companies to do this and require users to use the Advanced Search to add fellow employees.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello, I am also experiencing this issue. I am not sure how to proceed but I have almost 200 attendees and do not want to manually enter them.

@TimothyNehasil are these attendees fellow employees who have SAP Concur profiles, fellow employees who do not have SAP Concur profiles, people outside your company or a combination of all three? 


I'll await your reply then provide your options. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello, I know at least one of them does have a SAP concur profile, however the vast majority of them are fellow employees who do not have SAP Concur profiles.

@TimothyNehasil employees with SAP Concur profiles cannot be added by the import because their information is already in the system. You just need to do a search for their name and make sure the Attendee Type says Employee. All the others can be added by Import, but you need to be sure to use the correct Attendee Type code. If you try to import an employee with an SAP Concur profile, you likely will get an error. 


Either way, you are either filling out the details of each non-employee on a spreadsheet then importing the all at once or filling out their details one at a time right in the system. The spreadsheet is a little bit faster. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I did try to remove all others who could potentially have a SAP Concur profile and I am still continuing to get the "Error uploading or processing excel file. Unable to read the Attendee data. Please verify that the template you are using matches your current language setting." error message.

@TimothyNehasil could you send me a private message and attach the import file you filled out for me, please? Click my username (KevinD) then click Message. You will see below the area where you type your message an area that says you can drag and drop files into. That's how you attach. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I have this same issue. I downloaded the template, entered information, changed the file type from xlsx to xls, took off employee names from the list, tried using Safari and Firefox. While I no longer get the error message about using the correct language, I receive the "hourglass" after pushing "next" and it never processes. @KevinD My company is IBM and the expense name is "Dallas July 22". Can you advise how to get import to work?

Occasional Member - Level 1

The other error I receive is "no names found" followed by Unexpected System Error. Please try your action one more time. If you encounter the error again, please forward all information, including the events leading to the system error, to your Expense administrator.

There is a notation that to use the import list for >25, I have to manually enter the first 25 entries before importing a file. Tell me this is not true!