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Occasional Member - Level 1

How to resolve red exception ??

I'm trying to submit an expense report, and I keep getting a red exception. The message with the red exception says 'N/A', not tied to a certain expense item. And it also says to please use Global travel policy or global business policy for expenses, otherwise contact TER helpdesk.

I've tried moving expenses to a new report, does not help. I've tried on the header page to change the type of policy as recommended, and does not help.


Can someone help me get rid of the red exception please ?

or provide TER helpdesk phone# or email please ? I cannot find.



Frequent Member - Level 1

as previous message you sent on this forum, please check details internally within your organization, as from this forum we can't access individual system set up and wouldn't be able to help you directly.

Please verify those contact details on your Company Travel and Expense policy, which should be generally be included. 


Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari