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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hotel Itemization isn't adding up

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any suggestions for itemizations for a hotel folio?  I have spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get the charges to add up.  They add up when I separate them out in Excel, but once I put them in Concur, I'm over.  Please send HELP!  THANKS!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@SLMoore22 I'm taking a look right now.

Thank you,
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@SLMoore22 right now I see that you haven't added all the charges that appear on the bill. I need you to complete the itemizations so I can see why it keeps saying you are over the amount.


Also, you don't need to keep deleting things from the itemizations. Once saved, you can always adjust the amounts as needed. I'll wait until you are done itemizing, then take a look.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Ok, adding them now.  I only deleted, because when I adjusted, it seemed to make it worse. 

Occasional Member - Level 2


Ok, I'm done adding.  Now it's short! OMG! And I have added all of the charges.  I have an Excel Sheet wit the breakdown of dates and the charges. On the folio on 5/6, there is a $15,500.00 additional charge for an early check in, so I added it to the actual charge for the room.  The totals that are showing in the amount column for the lodging are not what I added. All of the amounts should be $15,500.00  Thanks!