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New Member - Level 1

Gmail auto forward

I'm trying to auto-forward receipts from my gmail acount to (so when an uber receipt hits my mail box it's filtered anf forwarded, for instance). To allow me auto-fowarding, Gmail send an email with a verification code to, without which I can't proceed.

I hoped it would show as a receipt in my Concur, as this email was already verified in Concur - but it's not. For some reason it's being dicarted.

Is there anyway I can get this code (or a verification workaround for Gmail) do I can use this feature ?

Thanks !

Community Manager
Community Manager

@farol This sounds like an issue with Gmail and not Concur. Maybe someone else here on the Community was able to get Gmail to auto-forward. Let's see if anyone replies. 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

It's an issue that Concur needs to look at addressing.  It's not a Gmail issue.


Gmail requires a verification before enabling forwarding. It handles this via an email to the forwarded party requesting approval. In this case the party receiving the forwarded message is Concur.


Concur should do something with this email to allow the forwarding.


I would suggest sending an email to the requestor with a message like "We see that you are attempting to forward receipts to us directly from Gmail. Great, that sounds like a good way to save you time and hassle. Please click the verify button below and we will enable the connection via Google. Note - we will halt the forwarding if we detect high volume or non-receipt activity".

@jcgannonvmware just to put this up front, I'm not replying to be argumentative, but to offer another point of view.

1. If Google requires the verification, I would tend to lean towards this is a Google issue. It's their requirement to require the verification. SAP Concur has not control over that. 

2. Verification, in my experience, requires an action by an actual person. Since the forwarding email that the verification would be sent to is, this won't be able to happen. That email address is not facilitated by any person. The little I know about SAP Concur's verification requirements wouldn't allow for the system to take an action on behalf of a real person. For example, when we connect SAP Concur profiles to apps (like Lyft or Uber) it requires the user to sign in or enter some sort of credentials on the app to make the connection. We don't just connect it with one click of a button.


I've also posted this issue internally to see if someone can provide any other perspective. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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New Member - Level 1

@farol is correct: the issue is that in Gmail, before you can auto forward incoming emails to a recipient, that recipient's email address must be verified. Which is totally reasonable and to prevent spammers.


I also tried to set up "" as a forwarding address in my Gmail, and it sent a verification code to that inbox. But, a concur user like me has no access to that receipts inbox, so I cannot see the email that Gmail sent to get the verification code.


If Concur could provide users with a "virtual inbox" allowing us to see incoming mails into their "", that would solve it.


Concur should just accept the connection and handle the forwarded emails. My work (Outlook) email allows a forwarding rule without a verification. Concur handles these emails, so it should be able to handle ones from Gmail.

Frequent Member - Level 1

Isn't the difference because Outlook doesn't require verification but Gmail does i.e. @KevinD is correct that this is a Gmail issue, not a Concur issue.


I can understand Concur not putting special processes in place to support emails from personal mail accounts such as Gmail.  Once an email address is verified in Concur against one user account it can't be verified against another.  E.g. if that person changes jobs to work for another Concur customer they won't be able to verify their Gmail account with their new company.  It's a complicated process to contact the old company to get someone to 'un-verify' the email address.

Frequent Member - Level 1


In the case of Uber, I would suggest setting up a Business Profile in the Uber app with Concur as your expense provider and your Concur-verified email address for Uber receipts.  Uber will then send the receipts to Concur and you won't have to worry about Gmail forwarding.