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Frequency of Corporate Card transaction import or force update

I noticed it taking up to a week for corporate card (American Express/AMEX company card) transactions to show up in Concur Expense as an "Available Expense". 


The transactions are already fully booked on the Amex portal (not just "noted" transactions) and Amex pushed a notification to my mobile that the transaction is booked. This is just an expectation of users today - whether you are using PayPal, ApplePay, Amex, Visa, Mastercard - instant notification. 


This truly breaks my expense-on-the-go methodolgy to stay up-to-date on expenses, because I have 2 choices:

  • not use the imported expenses, manually add them as with cash receipts, and delete imported Amex expenses as they arrive. Drawback: because the expense policies we have, certain transactions get flagged for review, meaning that it impedes the reimbursement process
  • wait for the Transaction to show up in Concur Expense. Drawback: no one knows when this will happen. 

So, does anyone know

  1. Is this something that Amex is pushing to Concur in batch
  2. or is Concur pulling in frequency/scheduled?
  3. Either way, what are those parameters?
  4. Is there a way to somehow force an update to get the transactions into Concur Expense from linked Corporate Card accounts? 
  5. And, since no one ever responds to those endless "how are we doing" surveys while you are booking or expensing on Concur, why isn't there a feature like in Expensify to auto-match synced expenses and receipts? This would remove so much effort that is currently manual and just silly amounts of dropdowns, freetext and date selection!


Any insight from the community or (better yet) Concur Expense PM/support teams is appreciated. To help keep an overview of input, I numbered the questions above for easy reference. 


Thank you. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@gvonsper I'll take a stab at your questions. My responses are in red. 


So, does anyone know

  1. Is this something that Amex is pushing to Concur in batch When your company decided to use the import feature, someone filled out some forms to be submitted to AMEX. These forms determine the frequency of when transactions will come in. Most of our customers choose the option to have a daily push. I don't know which forms your company submitted to AMEX, but I do know that in most cases, AMEX transactions should be showing up three days after the actual transaction took place. Keep in mind, the delay in transactions appearing can also be affected by when the vendor processes the transaction. AMEX can only provide the information once the vendor has provided the data. I would suggest two things: 1. Ask your company's site administrator about this issue. They may have some insight as to the frequency of AMEX transactions being pushed to your Concur site. 2. If option one doesn't yield any results, have your company's Concur site administrator reach out directly to the SAP Concur person who implemented your site and have them look into this. It is possible you are not using the daily push or maybe there is some other issue going on. Also, are any of your transactions taking place outside of the U.S.? If so, this does cause delays when they are foreign transactions.
  2. or is Concur pulling in frequency/scheduled?
  3. Either way, what are those parameters?
  4. Is there a way to somehow force an update to get the transactions into Concur Expense from linked Corporate Card accounts? I don't believe there is an optio for this. 
  5. And, since no one ever responds to those endless "how are we doing" surveys while you are booking or expensing on Concur, why isn't there a feature like in Expensify to auto-match synced expenses and receipts? This would remove so much effort that is currently manual and just silly amounts of dropdowns, freetext and date selection! Does your company use our ExpenseIt receipt capture feature? If so, Concur will match ExpenseIt created items to their corresponding credit card charges once they are both available in SAP Concur. If you are not using ExpenseIt, there is no auto-match. 

I hope this provides some insight for you. 


P.S. If you wouldn't mind providing your company's name to me in a private message, there is one thing I would like to look at. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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