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New Member - Level 1

Expense reimbursement

I summitted a report over a week ago, April 4th, today is the 13th.   I have not received any notification of it being approved or needing corrections much less being paid.  Usually the turn around is only a few days.  Where is my reimbursement?

Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @rebekahmey 


Unfortunately I can't really help you directly here, as we do not have access to companies's systems on this forum (some has since are Concur's employees) but most don't. You should be better off in this case to ask your Company's Concur or System administrator.


Otherwise on the meantime you could verify your expense payment status.

What does it says now if you go on your system and check it?

(e.g. Unsubmitted, Submitted and Pending Approval, Approved & In Accounting Review, Processing for payment, Extracted for payment).


If it shows ONLY "Extracted for payment", you than may check the Audit Trial of the expense submitted which it will show once it got paid. Go to the expense report select  Details > Audit Trail so you can see once it was paid (and if it was paid).


Secondly, if there was a cash amount to be paid to the employee (so you) check Report Details > Report Totals and see if there is any amount "Due to Employee".


Sometimes expenses which are submitted, the whole amount is due to the Company credit card, that could be one reason employees don't see the payment.   If you see on both checks that you see that expense was paid and there was an amount due to employee, it would be advisable to raise the query to the company Expense Team or who is in charge of disbursement, so they can also verify.   

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari

I agree with everything that Alessandro has explained above with the addition of looking at Report Details>Report payments.  That will indicate the approx paid date of the expense.  You can review your bank history to see if it was missed.  

Nancy Murray
Community Manager
Community Manager

@rebekahmey if you send me a private message with your full name and the company you work for, I can look and see what the current status is. It's possible the report is still sitting in your approver's queue. Have you looked at the Manage Expenses screen in Concur? You should be able to see your current active reports and what the current status is. From the Concur home page, click Expenses at the top of the screen. That will take you to the Manage Expenses screen. You should see the report there with the current status.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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