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Occasional Member - Level 3

Edit feature in the new Expense UI different than in the current UI

In the current UI I just discovered that we can select multiple expenses and edit them all at the same time, i.e. business purpose or job number is the same for each. In the new UI, "Edit" is greyed out when I select more than one expense. Is this something that will be fixed or is there another way around it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there. The new UI is still in a preview period and has some features that are not yet available. The ability to edit multiple expenses is one of these features. I'm not sure as to the date when this will be available, but the new UI launch should be in September. Keep in mind, this date may change.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thank you. I just wanted to make sure it is going to be included when it launches

Frequent Member - Level 1

Thank you for bringing this up, as we use this feature a lot as well.

Travel and Expense System Administrator
SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi, @DavidN and @JessicaL!

@KevinDis correct about us currently being in a Preview Period.

The functionality you both reference is mentioned specifically in the Upcoming Enhancements document (right at the top of page 2).

This means you can be assured that when we move into General Availability, it'll be there.

THANK YOU for joining the community and posting your comments/questions. Keep it coming.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

i hope Concur brings back that feature in the new UI. it was very useful. 

Now that it is almost October, when will the "Edit Multiple Expenses" feature work?  We have not moved our Users to  UI due to the Edit Mulitple Expenses feature is not working.  80% of our Users require a Project Number to be added to each expense.  The "Edit All" function is a Major feature that must be working before we can switch.  Thank you, Tammy

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

@TammyK, we understand the importance of this functionality and I definitely appreciate your wanting to have it available before you make the switch.

Our Expense team is actively working on it, but I'm not able to get a firm date right now.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 1


We have multiple users requesting this to be fixed post haste.

Please provide an update ASAP.

Super User
Super User

We are now in 2019.  Any updates on the NextGen UI Edit Multiple Expenses feature that is not working in the NextGen UI?  I continue to check the current Release Notes.  12/11/18 Release Notes indicated, "There is no workaround and a client using this feature should wait to move their users to NextGen. "

Occasional Member - Level 2

It is now September 2019, and rather than redo trainings to redo them again we have moved to the new UI. This feature is not "critical" to employees, but is extremely helpful, when can we expect to see this functionality in the new UI? 

New Member - Level 1

I have noticed that we have moved to this new UI and the multiple edit feature is not there.  Its disheartening to see that over a year since SAP said this would be included its still not there.  We cannot roll back to the old UI - there should have been parity in features prior to go live.  This is going to increase the time it takes me to create expenses ten fold now, as every single expense has to have the same field (business purpose) added as a mandatory field. 


Very disappointed in SAP for removing what was a very popular feature with the Concur platform.........

SAP Concur Employee
SAP Concur Employee

Hi, @CamilleMK and @justjules86~


I appreciate you both engaging with one another here on the Exchange and posting your candid feedback. We review all the comments and questions with the Concur Expense team which includes developers and designers.


We KNOW how important this particular feature is to all our users. This is why it has been prioritized on the Not Yet Available in NextGen Expense document.


I can assure you that this feature will be part of the new user experience when it becomes available for general availability (GA).


Thank you,
Jody Wilkins
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Adding my voice to this request. I'm an end-user in my organization, and they moved to the new UI before I started here. I process about 30 nearly identical expenses each month on my corporate card. Having to update each expense individually takes me about 6 hours every month, which could be better spent on my actual marketing job if bulk edit was available.

Occasional Member - Level 1

"@Jody@Jody wrote:

Hi, @CamilleMK and @justjules86~


We KNOW how important this particular feature is to all our users. This is why it has been prioritized on the Not Yet Available in NextGen Expense document."


ETA when we can expect this?  Editing each line item is not a very good use of anyones time.





Occasional Member - Level 1

Do you have an ETA on this feature being available.  It is now 2020 and we still cannot use it.  Time waster #1 going into each and every single expense.  Please advise.


Thank you

Occasional Member - Level 1

It's been over a year since my previous post echoing the need for this. Still no ETA. Still the biggest time waster.

Occasional Member - Level 2

I question the statement that you "know how important this particular feature is"; it is still not available...