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Occasional Member - Level 2


Hi - I'd like to ask a question  re delegation setup.

Following scenario;

Current setup up - Line Manager receives and approves 10 other employees expenses

What we'd like to do;

  • Line Manager has assistant who she wants to view the 10 other employees expenses first to ensure data submitted is correct
  • Assistant checks and verifies information is correct and views receipts etc - but not approve actual expense claim
  • Line Manager to Approve

Can you please advise how I'd set this up?

1 Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jules_D you can either add the line manager's assistant as the delegate to these 10 employees' profile or ask these 10 employees to add the line manager's assistant as their Expense Delegate. Either way, when selecting the little checkboxes for what the delegate can do, you want to select Can Prepare only. 


Each employee would then need to submit the report after the assistant reviews it. The other option is to use the Can Review for Approver delegate option. This way the reports can be in the line manager's approval queue and be reviewed by the assistant before being approved.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 1

dear @Jules_D 

on the settings in Concur, for those manager that have an assistant OR delegate, they can choose which tasks they can performed and unselect "Can approve"

you might check this informative video.

Kind Regards

Alessandro Munari
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jules_D you can either add the line manager's assistant as the delegate to these 10 employees' profile or ask these 10 employees to add the line manager's assistant as their Expense Delegate. Either way, when selecting the little checkboxes for what the delegate can do, you want to select Can Prepare only. 


Each employee would then need to submit the report after the assistant reviews it. The other option is to use the Can Review for Approver delegate option. This way the reports can be in the line manager's approval queue and be reviewed by the assistant before being approved.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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