New Member - Level 1

Default search/filter to Either

Is there a way to default the search/filter on the report creation screen? We get many support issues for missing Job Numbers when they are not missing because they are searching by Job Number but the report creation screen defaults to Text (which is the description for the job). The issue is resolved by selecting either Either or Code and having the user put in the job number again, but if it could default to Either then it could prevent these issues.


Screenshot of what I am referring to: 

Occasional Member - Level 3

@mfletcher As far as I know you cannot default to "Either", but you can default to "Code". Go to Administration - List Management - Select the list you'd like to change the default setting for and change the default value accordingly. Attached you'll find a screenshot for better understanding. In my example the list is called "SAP Hierarchy".



New Member - Level 1

Thanks for your reply. Its unfortunate that Either can't be a default option. I look forward to that being an option in the future.