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Occasional Member - Level 3

Cost Object workflow workaround


We are in the midst of an implementation whereby the client is utilizing Cost Object Approval. The scenario is as such:

expense user -> cost object approver -> processor 

Cost Centre A cost object approver list: 
user A: 1,000 USD
user B: 5,000 USD
user C: 10,000 USD

If user C makes a report claim worth of 500 USD to the Cost Centre A whereby he is an approver as well, the report should route to user C and not user A. Reason for this is because due to confidentiality process in the organization. How can we achieve this? 



Community Manager
Community Manager


It is very important that you know that Concur does not allow people to approve their own expense report. So, in your scenario you say User C creates an expense report and then you said you feel it should be routed to user C. That cannot happen since user C cannot approve their own expense report. Therefore, user A or B must have the report routed to them to approve user C's report. 


Does that make sense? So, you cannot really do a work around in your scenario. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi Kevin, 

Thanks for your reply.

As for user C expense claims, we may maintain two users at highest limit for each cost object. 

Whereby user C and user D will have the same limit. Could you confirm on how we can handle this particular scenario? Because it doesn't seem to make sense to the client to route user B or user C's expense claims to user A as user A may be a subodinate of user B or user C. 

Thank you. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

One thing to remember is that all users will have an assigned default approver and no matter what type of workflow you are using, including Cost Object, a user's expense report will go to the manager assigned in their profile before going to any Cost Object approvers. So, User A in your scenario, which could be a subordinate of User C, shouldn't be assigned as a default approver for User C. And as far as approval limit amounts go, just because User A has a limit of up to $500, it doesn't mean all reports that are $500 and below are routed to user A. As long as any user with an approval limit of $500 or more approves the report, it is all good. Every user is required to have an approver, so User C when they submit their claim will go to their assigned default manager which should have a higher approval limit than User C, So all claims submitted by User C will be seen and approved by someone with a high enough limit. Just be sure that your limits are set up correctly which should be determined by where that user sits in your organizational hierarchy. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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