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Occasional Member - Level 1

Concur Taxability - Expense

The requirement is allow Processor (in Expense) to manually enter Deductible and non-deductible expense and both these values should be posted in separate G/L account in SAP,  Any suggestions ?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@alwyngeorge06 Can you clarify something for me, please? Are you using Deductible  and Non-Deductible for any expense? Meaning, can an expense be either deductible or non-deductible? 


For example, let's say I've added an expense to my report, maybe Airfare (I'm just picking something for my example). Can this expense be deductible or non-deductible? Is that what you mean? 


If so, you would need to have an account code hierarchy setup that tells the system that if an expense is Deductible then the account code/GL code = xx and if it is non-deductible, then the Account Code/GL code = yy. Your company's Concur site administrator would need to set this up. This is how it works in our Professional Platform. 


If you happen to be on our Standard platform, it is a bit different. You would create a custom field and name it something like Type of Expense and then have the choices be Deductible and Non-deductible. You would have an option on the Accounting setup screen that to say that your company uses Alternate Account Codes. 


Do you know if you are on our Professional or Standard platform? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin,


Yes, the same expense type can be deductible in some circumstance and non-deductible in few.  The Finance processor should have the ability to enter values in Deductible field (100%) or non-deductible field (100%) or both (example 50% each).  Is there a way in concur ?


We are using professional edition.

@alwyngeorge06 yes, this can be done by doing what I described as far as the account code hierarchy and the processor would also need to Allocate the expenses. 


It is a bit too much to type here and unfortunately if you don't have configuration experience, it will be very difficult to explain here. 


Best option is to reach out to Concur Support to see if they can offer some help with setting up the accouting hiearchy for the extra GL codes for deductible and non-deductible.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin,


I am told by Concur that Finance Processor cant overwrite the deductible / non deductible values.  Can you please let me know which is the setting that needs to be done to overwrite the taxability by processor.   If possible, please provide few screenshots so that I can talk to concur support referencing that.

@alwyngeorge06 I will need to know the name of your company to be able to go in and take a look. 


Processors should be able to make changes to expense reports unless your site has been configured in a way that the deductible and non-deductible fields are locked. 


Once you send me your company name, I can at least take a look and see how things are configured. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

We are still in the process of rolling out to a country where they asked for this solution and Concur team is helping us to configure.


Summarising the requirement:


1. The employee / Expense Claimer can submit reports for any expense types (prefer the deductible / non deductible expense type to be hidden)


2.  Line manager approves ( prefer the deductible / non deductible expense type to be hidden)


3. Processor (deductible / non deductible expense type to be visible and editable).  The value to deductible / non deductible should be based on what processor updates.


Is this requirement possible ?  The issue we are facing is in step 3 where deductible / non-deductible fields are editable, however if the processor updates the value, the values get owerwritten.  Can you please provide a solution for this ?

@alwyngeorge06 since you already have Concur helping with this, I don't think I should say too much more. I don't want to step on anyone's toes. 


I might suggest one thing though. Since any expense type can be either Deductible or Non-Deductible, I would create a custom field labeled something like "Type of Expense" and have this field be a drop down list that contains an option for Deductible and a second option for Non-Deductible. You can hide this field from Employees and Mangers and have it only be edited by Processors. 


So, when the processor sees an expense report, they will see the field labeled "Type of Expense" blank. They could then just make the selection of Deductible or Non-Deductible. 


I am not sure what you are meaning when you say, "however if the processor updates the value, the values get owerwritten". 


If the Type of Expense field I suggested is visible to the Processor and is blank, then nothing would be overwritten. Maybe I'm just not fully understanding what you are saying in that regard. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin,


To make it clear, below is an example


Step 1:  The config in concur is set to calculate deductible and non deductible based on percentage or amount (example 60% for deductible and 40% for non-deductible)


Step 2: Expense type Airfare created by employee for 400 GBP


Step 3: Line manager approves


Step 4: Processor views the expense report. In the example, the deductible and non-deductible is defaulted to 240 GBP (60%) and 160 GBP (40%) and if the processor tries to change it to example 150 for deductible and 250 for non-deductible, the system automatically overwrites based on the config value (ie 240 and 160).


Hope this is clear.


@alwyngeorge06 that makes more sense. I'm not sure how to go about this, to be honest. 


I do want to pose a question though. Why have the system calculate the Deductible and Non-Deductible amounts based on pre-set percentages if the Processors are just going to change it? 


The team at Concur has said that they don't believe there is a way to configure the site to do what you want? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin,


There is no requirement for us to prepopulate any amount in deductible / non deductible fields, however I assume there is no way to leave it blank for Processors to enter manually.  If there is any config to do this purpose, can you please put a screenshot so that it will help.

@alwyngeorge06 So, first off, I cannot really provide screenshots because 1. I don't have a test site and 2. I would have to do the setup and configuration. 


I can tell you that Fields can be configured to be hidden to employees, but visible to Processors. So, I believe if you hide the Deductible and Non-Deductible fields from employees, but make it visible to processors, then they would show as blank to the Processor since the employee did not enter anything into the field because they couldn't see it. The processor should then be able to enter whatever they want. I know in your last post you mentioned something about the 60% Deductible, 40% Non-Deductible being calculated as an example, but I'm not sure how this was getting calculated. It sounds to me that all you need is the ability for Processors to manually enter data into the Deductible and Non-Deductible fields. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hello Kevin,


All I need is to have Processor input dedcutible and non deductible amount in Concur and this should be posted in different G/L account in SAP ECC.

@alwyngeorge06 that should be possible based on my last post. Just make the fields visible to the Processor. I'm sure the team at Concur you are working can do this, unless I'm missing something obvious. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2



I just want to clarify that you at talking about the expense being taxible for the employee and creating a box that the processor would check to indicate that the expense is taxible deductible. The reason I ask for clarification is that I am look for a solution for tax deductible for the employee so that we can report some expense as taxible on their W-2 at the end of the year. I have configuration rights but I want to make sure that the best option is to create a custom field for taxible that the processor would check when the expense report comes through. 


Thank you,



Occasional Member - Level 3


Dedicate a custom field and allow access to the processor to enter the amount.

For GL postings, go to account admin, accounting structure, select report entry, and then custom field. Once done go to the account code page, select the ledger, "New" button will popup. Click on new and then update GL codes for the expense types.


Hope it helps!