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Occasional Member - Level 1

Concur Expense - Single Profile with two accounts

Hello! We are a global company with multiple entities. Our users need to submit expenses for multiple companies and be reimbursed via Concur Expense Pay from the correlating bank account (1 company = 1 bank account). We do not feel like this is a unique to our company and are surprised to hear that it is not possible. We are told the only way to make this happen is to create multiple profiles per user. This seems highly inefficient. My question is - can we set up a single user profile where the user can select the company and allow us to create a batch definition that reimburses the employee based on the company selected from a specific bank account. 


Example 1:

User A selects Company A and is reimbursed from Account A 

Example 2: 

User A selects Company B and is reimbursed from Account B 


thank you for the help! 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@kjamesAE what you are asking is not possible. What you were told about two profiles for users is the only way possible to achieve what you are looking for. 


I have seen another community member ask this same question, so it is not a unique situation. However, the way SAP Concur is configured is users are assigned to an Employee Group. An employee can only be assigned to one group. Groups are then assigned a reimbursement method. Only one method can be assigned to a group. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thank you @KevinD . I was missing the part where the employee group was established at the profile level (I am newer admin). I did determine that (although still highly inefficient) we could have a user submit two different expense reports as stated and after the first was approved in one employee group, the admin could manually update the profile to switch to a different employee group and the second expense report could be approved. 


This seems to open the door for risk such as fraud or manual error, but it is an option. We requested this be submitted as an enhancement so maybe in the future it will be available to leverage 1 user profile in two different employee groups. Thank you again! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@kjamesAE that is the other option, but I didn't suggest it as it really isn't a best practice or ideal work around. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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