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Occasional Member - Level 2

Concur App - Mileage

It appears that there has been an update to the Concur app recently. Prior to the update, when submitting a report with mileage, when typing in an address it auto populated frequently used and previously used addresses, saving time with entering mileage. Since the update, it appears our users are having to enter in the full address each time they submit a mileage report. It seems the update took away the feature of auto populating frequently and previously used destinations. Can someone let me know if there is a way to get this back?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@dthomas have you experienced this yourself? I posted your question internally and someone from our mobile team needs the name of someone that has this issue. So, if you have seen this yourself, let me know. If not, please send me a private message with the name of someone at your company with the issue. To send me a private message, click my username (KevinD). You will see a Message button. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Hello @KevinD 


since the last APP update there are many many issues with mileage and other stuff (itemization, expense lists...).

- Cases: 18591210, 18564179, 18462297, 18455318


It's a bit frustrating for us as Concur Admins, we can just wait for the update and its taking too much time to be realsed. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@NTS I totally understand the frustration. I, unfortunately, do not know the app update release schedule, but I have informed someone on the mobile team that there have been a few posts here about mobile app issues since the last release. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


I have also logged a case whereby users are unable to submit a round trip mileage claim using start > destination > start (understand roundtrip feature not available on App), when previously it wasn't an issue.  Very frustrating



New Member - Level 2

Was this ever fixed?  It's very frustrating to have to enter the full address EVERY TIME.  It's 2024, not 2004.

Why isn't there an address book feature with this app??


Community Manager
Community Manager

@mnaddeo when I asked our mobile team about this, those I spoke to said previously used addresses was never a feature/supported. So, if it was never a feature, there wouldn't be anything for the mobile team to fix. I guess since the mobile app has a Search field for addresses, it doesn't require the entire address to be typed in to find it.


I do agree, having previously used addresses would be a nice little time saver. 🙂


As for the address book feature, I am not sure.  This could be something you submit as an enhancement request. Once submitted, you can come back here to the community and promote your submission and provide people the link so they can vote on it.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Has this issue been remedied?  We moved to the new version on 9.2.22 and a user is complaining that her frequently used addresses are no longer auto-populating in her mileage reimbursement entries.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@gscales is this the only user reporting this issue or are there other of your employees experiencing this issue? This helps us narrow down the issue and see if it is a global issue or an isolated incident. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

So far, it's only been one user who has complained


Occasional Member - Level 1

This same issue of no longer being able to auto fill addresses affects me too.  It still remembers old addresses first used months ago, but no new addresses are being stored.  This greatly slows down my entering of monthly travel logs.  When it did work it was very helpful and handy.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@jdilissio have you tried restarting your phone and making sure you are using the latest version of the app?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I am not using the app.   I am entering mileage logs on the website.  Prior to six months ago it would automatically fill in addresses I had used before, as I often use the same ones two times each week.  Now it does auto fill old addresses such as much office address, but any new addresses of new clients it never auto remembers no matter how many times I have used it.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@jdilissio I've asked your question to a colleague. One thing to keep in mind is that the Mileage Calculator is powered by Google Maps so we don't always have a solution for issues related to the mileage calculator. I'll see what my colleague says and let you know.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I have exactly the same problem.  

Occasional Member - Level 1

I am also having this problem.  Since the update when I am starting an expense for mileage, there is no longer a list of frequenly used addressed.

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Community Manager

@crivali I'm waiting for a response from our mobile team on this.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager

@crivali I did have someone reply that they didn't believe the mobile app supported previously used addresses. I wasn't completely sold on that, so I tested it myself. I didn't get a previously used address to appear. I did notice the app will use your current location and find addresses that match what you are typing.


I did send a message to another internal team to confirm the previously used addresses to see if they can tell me for sure, but from what I experienced in both the app and the web, my previous addresses did not appear.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

So I am not sure if you are saying that this feature is no longer available or something else?  If this is something that was left out of the update, can it be added back in to the mobile app with another update?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@crivali the person from the mobile team that responded to me said that previously used addresses was never supported on the mobile app. So, if it was never supported, then my guess is it isn't a feature they plan on adding at this time.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thats hilarious because it used to have about 5 frequently used addresses when I would start a  mileage expense, and that was that way for years until the most recent round of updates.  So for them to say it was never supported is disingenuous but I guess that means that it is a now extinct feature.