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Occasional Member - Level 1

Automatic setup of new Monthly Expense Claim

Previously at the start of a new month, my first "ExpenseIt" for the month would automatically create a new months Expense Claim (October for example). Now I am having to go in and manually create one. Has this changed, or is this able to be changed in settings??

Community Manager
Community Manager

@scotts I looked up your profile and the setting is turned on. I see an expense claim that has been submitted named September Expense (01/09/2021) and another unsubmitted claim named October Expense (01/10/2021). This is the naming convention used by the Expense Assistant feature (this is what auto-creates claims). I actually went and looked at all the claims you had for this year and they all use the same naming convention. So, the system still is creating your claims automatically unless you created October's claim and types October Expense (01/10/2021) as the claim name. 


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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hey KevinD,


Everything up until the end of September was as you described, with a new month being setup automatically. However as per my original post, once I chose the "ExpenseIt" funtion, it was not automatically generated.

I manually created the October one, using the same naming method as per previous months, for consistency.




Community Manager
Community Manager

@scotts where did you choose the ExpenseIt function? On the mobile app? I did see an ExpenseIt item in your Available Expenses, but usually when these come in they kick off the auto-create. Was the ExpenseIt item paid for with your company card?

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Yes, I used the "ExpenseIt" function on the app. No, I wasn't using a company card.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@scotts Okay, if no company card transactions had come in for the month of October, then the system wouldn't create a report for you. I believe if the ExpenseIt item was for a company card transaction, then it would have created a report for you. 


The import of Company Card transactions is what triggers the system to auto-create the report. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

"The import of Company Card transactions is what triggers the system to auto-create the report."  Anyway this can be universally turned off?  Reason being it's creating issues when our people purchase airfare over a month in advance but can't turn the expense in until we can bill our customer which can be months later.  Then they have to move it from one auto created report to another.  I know they can individually turn off this option but I'd rather just make it company wide.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TMMG2022 See screenshot. That will do it. 🙂




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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thanks for the effort.  I tried that but get this:

Application Error.JPG

I guess I better open up a support ticket.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TMMG2022 hmmm...that shouldn't happen for just that simple change. Maybe log out and log back in and try again or try another browser. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

You're a genius!  I used Chrome and it worked perfectly!  Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@TMMG2022 Genius may be a bit much, let's go with "lucky guess". 🙂

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

I've not changed the way I have uploaded receipts/expenses since Day 1 of using the Concur platform. Every other month all I have done is upload/import a photo of a receipt OR used the "express" form of using the ExpenseIt function using my phones camera with the app. EVery other month the first one of these for the month automatically creates a new Monthly Expense Claim. 

Nothing has changed, excpet the auto creation of an expense claim.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@scotts Okay, I understand. So, I think the only thing we can do is see if this same issue happens again in November. If so, then we know it wasn't a one-off. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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