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Occasional Member - Level 1

Automatic Coding of Expenses

Our company recently transitioned from Expensify to Concur and one of the striking features that seems to be missing is what was called the "Rules" function in Expensify. Each user could individually set up rules to say "any receipt that comes from Southwest Airlines is automatically coded to Airfare" or "any receipt from Staples is automatically coded to Office Supplies".  I am unable to find a similar feature and my users are complaning of this being  real step-down in terms of functionality because they now need to manually code every charge that comes through, rather than having their frequently used vendors be auto-tagged.


Is there some feature or work-around people have used to provide this type of functionality

Community Manager
Community Manager

@errmille are you importing your corporate card transactions? The answer to this question will help me help you greatly. I'll await your reply. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


Occasional Member - Level 1


Was this ever resolved? I have the same issue.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@hamelka company card administrators can do merchant code mapping to have the system automatically apply a specific expense type to a vendor. The system is already mapped for Airlines, Car Rental Agencies and Hotels. So, if a card transactions comes in from one of those types of vendors, the system applies the designated expense type.


Also, the system remembers the expense type selected for a vendor the first time a user has a transaction from that vendor. For example, if I go Bob's Burgers, the card transactions will come in as Undefined. Let's say I assign that transaction to be Lunch. The next time I go to Bob's Burgers and the company card transaction comes into my Available Expenses, it will display with Lunch as the expense type.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

KevinD, thanks for the reply, I think this generally answers my question. However, I do not believe that the Bob's Burgers example you provided works properly for me. I know that I have to change an expense that I get 10 to 12 times per month by the same vendor for the same amount and I have to fix all of the expense information for all 10 or 12 transactions, every month. Sounds like, by your example, once I make the change once, all of the expenses should be fixed automatically as they come in, which they are certainly not.