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Occasional Member - Level 2

Auto Approved Expense Report

Testing configuration change for an existing company that went through company code/account code changes.  Authorized approvers are used for this configuration.  3 test user accounts are being utilized to test the changes.  Default approvers are defined in each of the user profiles.  2 of the users are set as authorized approved and $ amount maintained. Test1 (expense user), Test2 (expense user and approver for test1), Test3 (expense user and approver for test2).


In the test1 account, when the expense report is submitted it bypasses the manager approval and goes to auto approved.  Any suggestion as to why this may be happening?   For the other test accounts, the approvals seem to be working correctly.

Occasional Member - Level 1

You can try to check Skip rules in your workflow for your manager approval step. There might some logic there to skip the step for certain criteria.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@rg1989 without seeing your site configuration and how the workflows were set up, it will be difficult to answer this. Is this in a test environment or your production site? What are the user IDs? Can you also provide the name of the expense report that was auto-approved, please?

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin,

The problem is related to the test user account.  I was able to use a different test user account and submit a report and approval process followed correct steps/flow.    Strange when I enter the testuser login ID for the search criteria in user adminstration it returns the test user and also another user account.  Not sure what is going on there.  Need to do more research on this.



Occasional Member - Level 2

Could you resolve this?

I have an implementation site and workflow works perfect.  When replicating same configuration to production and testing with test users, Authorized approvers and Cost Object approvers get automatically approved. I dont even have rules configured for skipping the step, hehe.