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Occasional Member - Level 1

Assign User to be and Admin for only a Certain Group of users (By Country)

Hi There,


Is ther any options to assing a User to be able to Admin only a certain group of users? In this particular case Concur user are in different countries. Each devision supossed to have one admin to be able to see only their devision Concur Expenses. Is there any options in settings for that?

Many thasnk in advance,



Community Manager
Community Manager

@AKN when you say, only see their division's expenses, what do you mean exactly? 


Do you mean see their expenses for approving purposes or do you mean the ability to see overall spending of their department in the form of a report? There are different ways someone could "see" someone else's expenses, so to better answer your question, I need to know in what way the Admin needs to see their department's expenses. 

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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1


HI Kevin,

Thank you for your respond/ question,

The person needs to see only his Region users for approval purposes and also  being able to see the spendings. In additions of this this person would submitt expenses on behalf of his Region user. Basically, this peron would approve, monitor and being able to act on behalf of only his Region users but not Globaly. Is there any options in settings for it?

Many thanks in advance,


Community Manager
Community Manager

@AKN what you are asking is possible, but with limitations. Let me address each of the functions you are looking for separately. I'm pasting your requirements here in my reply, so I can address them each directly. Also, the steps I describe below are if you are using our Professional Expense platform. Most people do not realize that we have a Standard Platform for SAP Concur and a Professional Platform. If you happen to be on our Standard Platform, please let me know. If you are not sure, just tell me your company name and I can look it up. 


"The person needs to see only his Region users for approval purposes". To do this you would make this person the approver for all those people in that Region. On each user profile, you will see a Manager field, if the person you want to be the approver has been given approval permission, what you would do is click in the Manager field and start typing their last name. Their name should appear for you to select. Then save the profile. 


"also  being able to see the spendings": Anyone with approval permission is also by default what we call a BI Manager. BI Managers have access to our Cognos Reporting tool. This permission gives them the ability to run reports (that someone else would have to build in Cognos) that would show their Region's spend. It would only allow them to see the people in their region and no one else. 


"In additions of this this person would submitt expenses on behalf of his Region user." This can be done by using the Delegate feature. Each user in the Region would need to add this person as their Expense Delegate. However, this comes with a huge caveat. If a delegate creates and submits a report on behalf of another user, they cannot then approve that report. Although the report is for another person, SAP Concur actually stamps the report with the name of the person who actually created it. SAP Concur is designed to not allow anyone to approve any expense report they have created. So, if this admin person creates reports for others, the report will get stuck since the Admin is the approver, which the SAP Concur system does not allow. 


One question for you. Why wouldn't the people in this Region be creating and submitting their own reports? Or did you just mention this has something the Admin for that region would need to do occasionally? 


I don't know what all your permissions are in SAP Concur and how familiar you are with all of the administrative settings, so if you need clarification on any of the things I mentioned, please let me know.



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SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

HI Kevin,


Thank you so much for all your options. We are using Standard Platform a the moment. I do have a full admin rights however, very new to Concur. By your respond I can see there is an option for BI Manager. This one looks like exactly what I was after. How to assign thie person to be a BI Manager?


Many thnanks again,

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

@AKN In our Standard platform there is not a BI Manager field. However, all of your users that are Expense Approvers will be BI Managers. So, if you have User A that is the Approver for Users B, C, D and E. User A will be able to go into Cognos and run a report. The data returned will only be for users B, C, D and E. 


You will just have to make sure you assign the correct users as the manager/approver for those they need to see data for.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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