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Occasional Member - Level 3

Allow users to key in expense type account code manually



I'm in the process of creating a new policy where I would like to have my users manually key in the account code/expense type they would like to use (rather than selecting from a pre-defined drop-down list).  Is it possible to have a text box (rather than drop-down list) for my expense type on the expense entry form?  Or do I need to create a custom field for this?




1 Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

@shanyce I'll put in my opinion here. I would not recommend what you are asking, personally. Too much chance for users to mistype and get the account code incorrect. 


Also, the Expense Type field that is out of the box cannot be changed to a text box, so a custom field would be needed, but that comes with other implications and things to consider.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @shanyce ,


Adding a custom field to enter expense type in expense entry form is ok but how will you link it with other configuration items such as policy, accounting administration, forms and fields etc. ?? Also, if you add custom text field then it means you are allowing user to enter anything (including random text) into text field, how will you control that?? 


Technically it is not feasible. SAP Concur has its own pre-defined setup where all configuration items are interlinked with one another meaning, policy is linked with expense types, expense types are linked with account codes and expense entry forms and so on.


Note that, expense type is a site required field which cannot be removed from expense entry form.  Hence, you need to use standard expense type field which will appear as a drop down list. 




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Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi Pooja,


In my sandbox site, I've created an expense type called "petty cash" and assigned it a dummy account code.  My thoughts are users will select this expense type (which is linked to the policy, form and fields etc.) and then will manually enter the account code they need to use.  Via our integration, we will pull from this custom field (where our users have manually keyed in the account code they want to use) rather than the expense type.


I understand the risk of having users key in their own account codes but through audit rules we can reduce the entering of random information.  The users who will be using this expense entry form are highly specialized and by locking the field down to 5 characters (as is needed by our account code) I'm confident we won't have any issues with this (there is a manual process for what they currently do now anyway).


I'm just checking in to see if what I'm suggesting would be a viable workaround, but I do know it's not best practice.  Unfortunately, for this specific policy, I need to have access to over 2000 account codes.  I will not be adding these in Concur Expense so I would like the user to manually key it in.


If anyone can think of a better workaround, I'm all ears!




Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @shanyce ,

I have few questions:
1. Why you don't want to use standard accounting admin to maintain account codes? Why custom field?
2. This is required for multiple policies and all expense types? Or only for specific policy and only for specific single expense type?
2. Do you have multiple account codes for each expense type? If yes, then what identifier you would use to identify the correct account code if you are using custom field?
3. You are talking about restricting custom fields to 5 characters which is ok, but, how will you control account code series? Meaning, few account codes might start with 45XXX, 46XXX, 47XXX series or some other number, how will you ensure that user entered 5 char account code is correct? Bcz, using field validation you cannot validate exact entered number that to for multiple expense type account codes .


If you don't want to use standard setup just to avoid entering 2000 account codes manually in Concur then you must ensure that using workaround you are able to validate user entered account codes are correct before they submit an expense report. Otherwise all postings will fail.

Also, during integration you need to change the mapping and need to use this custom field.


This customisation will open a lot of other technical challenges both at the Concur and integration site which we might not be able to think of at this stage but you need to think about that too.

Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi @PoojaKumatkar.

Thanks for the notes.

  1. I have over 2000 expense type account codes  I would have to manually enter - this is why I was considering a custom field where the user could key in the account code themselves.
  2. This would just be for one policy - allowing users to enter the expense type account code they would like to use (one of 2000).
  3. The account code I'm referencing is the expense type account code.  Only specialized users will be using this particular policy and those users know which number sequence they will need to enter.  The expense processor will also be reviewing every expense report to verify before processing via our integreation.

Appreciate the comments!  You've given me a lot to think about.




Frequent Member - Level 2

Hi @shanyce ,

Can you please check private message and respond there. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@shanyce I'll put in my opinion here. I would not recommend what you are asking, personally. Too much chance for users to mistype and get the account code incorrect. 


Also, the Expense Type field that is out of the box cannot be changed to a text box, so a custom field would be needed, but that comes with other implications and things to consider.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Thanks @PoojaKumatkar and @KevinD.   This was a fact-finding mission and your dialogue has been very much appreciated.  As recommended, I won't go the route of a custom field (thinking through the implications and sorting out the integration alone are too inexpedient to my timelines). Our users will have to make do with the expense types already in our system and do journal entries to their preferred expense type account code if needed.


