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New Member - Level 1

Adding user as an additional reviewer

I've been delegated to create/submit expenses on behalf of my direct manager. S/he would like to be able to review their expenses themselves within the Concur system and have the opportunity to push back to me electronically within Concur for changes/updates. Eliminating the need to review expenses in-person manually.

Essentially - I'd submit my manager's expenses to my manager for their review. Once my manager has reviewed all expenses - they would submit to A/P for their review and continue through the workflow process.


Has anyone done this? Are there restrictions to the amount reviewers allowed?

Community Manager
Community Manager

There is any easy way to set this up. When being added as someone's delegate, be sure that the Can Submit checkbox is not selected. What this does is allows you to create the report on their behalf. When the report is done, instead of there being a Submit button, the button will say "Notify Employee". This sends an email to your manager (person you are the delegate for) and let's them know the report is ready for their review. After they review, they can then submit.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Routine Member - Level 2

In addition to @KevinD's answer - which is the best way to accomplish this - I wanted to add that if your manager wanted to notify you of any changes (i.e. 'reject' the report), they could just use the Email option on the report. They can then input your email and include a message to you. This would then notify you of any changes they wanted you to make via email. This would be under the Email / Print menu option.

In terms of a way to actually 'submit' their own expenses to them, there is no way to really do that in the system. The best way would be what Kevin described: have them remove the 'Can Submit' permission from your delegate access, and you'll be able to send them an email right from Concur to let them know their report is ready for review.

Many of our users use this function frequently and it works very well.

Occasional Member - Level 1


I see that Concur answered you so i will just delete my response.


Thank you,



Routine Member - Level 1

Do they want to review or approve their own expenses?

"Essentially - I'd submit my manager's expenses to my manager for their review. Once my manager has reviewed all expenses - they would submit to A/P for their review and continue through the workflow process"

I just couldn't tell if the the A/P is an actual review and then it was approved by someone with appropriate authority and then went to a processor.


Darryl Worth
American Society of Hematology