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resolved expenses with American Express
I resolved expenses with American Express, however, they are still occurring on my T&L expense report. How to I remove these expenes from Concur? Thanks! --Carrie
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@cehughes5 can you clarify how you resolved your expenses with AMEX, please?
All AMEX transactions that have come into Concur should be submitted on expense reports? Was there some reason the transactions you are referencing were not submitted through Concur?
Just trying to get the whole picture of what occurred. 🙂
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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How can I help one of my directs clear their expense report when their travel arranger booked and paid/expensed her flight? If she submits an expense report, must she click personal expense box to clear? other methods? thank you.
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What are you seeing in the expense report? Credit card transactions or travel reservations?
Card transactions should be submitted in an expenese report to clear them from your expense page.
Let me know if this helps or not.
Maria Steen
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Hi Maria,
One transactions was a false charge, and American Express is resolving this transaction. The other transaction, I paid with my personal account. There are no charges that need to be added to an expense report. I'm not sure how to remove these from my T&L. Thanks, Carrie
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@cehughes5 So, I went in and looked at your account. I see two charges from you corporate card. One is a negative amount, which is probably the incorrect charge you referred to and is the refund from AMEX. The other charge is the actual incorrect charge. So, you'll need to add these two charges to your next expense report. They will just cancel each other out.
Now, I do see a third charge from the same vendor, which I think is the charge you are referring to that you said you paid with your personal account. Are you saying that you sent AMEX a payment for this amount? This is very important to know because you company AMEX card is setup as Company Billed/Company Paid, which means your company is paying off your credit card bill no matter what has been charged against it and your company is sending in payments on your behalf to AMEX. So, if you purchased something on your AMEX card that was a business expense, you must submit it on an expense report and don't send in any payments to AMEX. This will throw off the account balance and cause issues for your Finance/Accounting team when they are trying to reconcile payments made to AMEX and the total of sumbitted business expenses by employees.
Because there is an AMEX charge in your Concur account with a positive amount it needs to be added to an expense report. If you already sent AMEX a payment for this expense, then you may end up having this expense paid for twice, which could end up as a credit on your AMEX statement. I would then recommend reaching out to your finance or accounting team or whomever is your company's credit card administrator and let them know what is happening.
The only way to remove AMEX charges from your Concur account is to submit them on an expense report. Your company has turned off the ability to delete transactions because they need all AMEX charges submitted on expense reports.
I hope this helps.
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Thanks for the response! How do I submit an expense report for the error charged that requires a receipt when there was no receipt due to it being an error? Thanks! --Carrie
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KevinD is right. Remember to reach out to the individual who oversees the card program and/or the concur expense if there is a way to mark the transaction personal do not pay. Or how to submit this particular transaction.
If you still need an invoice, I would create a pseudo invoice in pdf format. Include what you stated about the error charge. Upload to the expense report. Also, insert a comment in the expense entry line the transaction was in error.
I hope this helps.
Maria Steen
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@cehughes5 Your company might be using the Missing Receipt Affidavit. Use that instead of the receipt.
Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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