Occasional Member - Level 2

"outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted" but nothing is showing.


I'm looking for help with this issue.


I am getting the "You have 1 outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted." emails.

There are no expenses showing in the expense tool.


I believe what happened was that I was partially refunded a payment from the taxi company. But the expenses had already been settled.


There is nothing on the corporate credit card to show that there is money due or owed.

There is nothing in the expense tool to show that I need to repay something.

There are no expenses in the tool at all. Nothing to show the partial refund in the expense tool.

I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

1 Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

@StefPugsley hello there. So, I did a little digging and may have found the issue. I can see your list of "hidden" transactions. I see two transactions that are showing as User Hidden, which means you deleted them when they came into your SAP Concur profile. Now, granted one appears to be an incorrect charge, because I see another transaction for the same amount, but negative, which tells me it was a credit you received for an incorrect charge. Now, the negative transaction shows as American Express Initiated Activity, which your company has set up to hide automatically. The reason for this is to not show all the payments that post to your corporate AMEX. 


Anyway, I think these are the items causing the email to get sent and why you cannot see them. You will need to have one of your company's credit card admins release these transactions so you can add them to a report. The two transactions with the same amount (one being negative) will cancel each other out when placed on a report. The other transaction, which I'm guessing has already been paid, would need to be marked as Personal. The system might not allow you to submit a zero amount report. If that is the case, you will need to wait until you have some other business expenses to add to this report to get the amount above zero. 


I'm going to send you a name of someone to contact who should be able to release these or advise you what to do. Check the little envelope icon near the upper right corner. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@StefPugsley hello there. So, I did a little digging and may have found the issue. I can see your list of "hidden" transactions. I see two transactions that are showing as User Hidden, which means you deleted them when they came into your SAP Concur profile. Now, granted one appears to be an incorrect charge, because I see another transaction for the same amount, but negative, which tells me it was a credit you received for an incorrect charge. Now, the negative transaction shows as American Express Initiated Activity, which your company has set up to hide automatically. The reason for this is to not show all the payments that post to your corporate AMEX. 


Anyway, I think these are the items causing the email to get sent and why you cannot see them. You will need to have one of your company's credit card admins release these transactions so you can add them to a report. The two transactions with the same amount (one being negative) will cancel each other out when placed on a report. The other transaction, which I'm guessing has already been paid, would need to be marked as Personal. The system might not allow you to submit a zero amount report. If that is the case, you will need to wait until you have some other business expenses to add to this report to get the amount above zero. 


I'm going to send you a name of someone to contact who should be able to release these or advise you what to do. Check the little envelope icon near the upper right corner. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Thank you Kevin,

Sorry for the slow reply, changing to new laptop is painful

Having trouble talking to an actual human to raise a ticket, but sure I'll get there eventually. Thanks for your insight.

@StefPugsley did you see my private message of who to contact at your company to get help? 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi @KevinD 

Yes I did, thank you. They immediately responded with that they could do nothing without a support ticket raised. Every time I go to try and fight through the automated system I get called away to the next crisis . Just need to find an uninterruptible hour... Somehow 🙂


@StefPugsley set your email to Out of Office so you don't get disturbed. LOL. 


Good luck finding a free moment. By the way, is there a link your company uses to submit a support ticket? Is it an internal link specific to your company? I'm asking because I get several people from your company posting issues here, so if I'd like to point them to the support ticket option instead of the person I messaged you since that is what they will be told. 

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi @KevinD 

Alas no, just an automated Q&A bot. And once you are trapped inside it, there is seemingly no way to talk to a human. I believe that if you get the correct combination of questions/replies, you can get to sit on a queue to talk to a human. I just haven't had the time to actually do it.


Occasional Member - Level 1

Hi Kevin,

 Your solution seems applicable to me. I moved my AVIS bill to a report. I was waiting for the subsequent toll bill to come which it did a few days later. I see it on my CORP CC account and get daily "outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted" emails. I don't see it in CONCUR nor am i aware who my credit card admins.  Would you be able to help or suggest a path forward?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@ar93 so I'm understanding you correctly. You had a toll you paid with your corporate credit card, but do not see it yet in your SAP Concur account, correct? 


What was the date of the transaction? It might be that the vendor is taking a while to process the transaction. I would give it another day or two.


I checked your account and there aren't any hidden transactions, so the outstanding transactions emails are likely being generated by the Raytheon Technical report you have not submitted. There are a couple transactions from the end of January on that report. Usually the system will send you reminder emails if you have transactions over 14 days old.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Correct.  Toll was on 2/8/24, showed in my corp cc electronic account on Saturday 2/17/24, email daily from concur starting 2/18 (3 daily emails as of today), email and hardcopy receipt avis.e-tolls on  2/19, and today 2/20 i looked at concur and there is nothing.   I have 3 emails from concur telling me that i have "outstanding credit card transactions that have not been submitted." It seems like it ought to be there if concur is telling me that it is there.