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What is going on with your site? Can you at least notify your users that you are having issues? I'd be annoyed if it was a free service, but it's not. And I have spent over an hour out of my workday to try and submit expenses! Your website is cancer. Please pay for better servers/dev team.
This content from the SAP Concur Community was machine translated for your convenience. SAP does not provide any guarantee regarding the correctness or completeness of this machine translated text. View original text custom.banner_survey_translated_text
@Holmern there was an outage today, but it appears to be mostly cleared up right now. I know that normally an announcement goes out to those at each company that are the site admins, but I don't think that happened in this case. I don't know why. We didn't receive anything internally either, which I found a bit odd.
From what I have seen in the last few minutes, the system seems to be running as expected.