Occasional Member - Level 1


I have to add tavel mileage to my expence report visiting cusomters but I don't see where I can add mileage for that. All I see is expence for hotels but that's not what I need. I need to just add mileage only for using personal vehicle

Community Manager
Community Manager

@GCOMER Hello there. Before I can assist you, I'll need a bit more information. 


Can you provide me in a private message the following:

Your full name

You company's full name


Without this information and not being able to see what you are seeing it will be very difficult to help you. 


Thank you,

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Occasional Member - Level 1

Full name is Glen Comer and the company I work for is Kaman Fluid Power

Community Manager
Community Manager

@GCOMER Okay, so I went into your account and opened your September expense report. I can see you have several expenses added to it. The expenses you added are credit card charges. Mileage is what we call an "out of pocket" expense. So, if you open your expense report, you should see a list of expense types on the right. You will see a field (in the gray area) labeled Expense Type. I want you to type the word Mile in this field. This will change the list of expense types to show the Personal Car Mileage expense type. Click the Personal Car Mileage expense type and then fill out all the required fields. You will be asked to enter in the number of miles you drove. I've provided a screenshot to help you. 


Let me know if this works for you. 



Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Thanks Kevin, I think I now have it all figured out now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@GCOMER Great to hear. Happy Expense Reporting. 🙂

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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