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Occasional Member - Level 1

Problem with Merchant Code and Expense Type

Hi all!

I've a problem with the Merchant Codes.

I've a Merchant Code "4722 Travel Agencies" mapped to "Agency Booking Fees". When we import our credit card movements it works well, the movements that have this Merchant Code appears with the right Expense Type.

The problema appears when you assing one of this expenses to a report and there you change the expense type because is a flight that our agency pay with its own card and resell it to us. (The payment of the flight is charged to our card, but the vendor is the agency not the airline)

If we do that, the report it's ok, but if we remove the expens from the report, when we return to the "Avaiable Expenses" all the expenses that before were "Agency Booking Fees" now are "Airfare".

And the question is why it happens? and how we can change this behaviour?