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Occasional Member - Level 1

Overdue Credit Card transactions

Hi, As an administrator, I have a card user getting notifications as follows

'The following credit card transactions are overdue. Submit them on an expense report as soon as possible.'

The transactions relate to airfares that were booked then refunded resulting in a zero balance.

Can I clear these transactions or does the card holder need to do something to clear them.  

Thank you for any assistance.

2 Solutions
Routine Member - Level 1

We still have our cardholders add them to an expense report.

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Routine Member - Level 2

We also have cardholders submit net-zero transactions on their expense reports, just so we have a paper trail of our cashflow. 


I don't know of an easy way to delete credit card transactions from your available expenses, so it might just be easier for the cardholder to submit them on a report. 

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Routine Member - Level 1

We still have our cardholders add them to an expense report.

Routine Member - Level 2

We also have cardholders submit net-zero transactions on their expense reports, just so we have a paper trail of our cashflow. 


I don't know of an easy way to delete credit card transactions from your available expenses, so it might just be easier for the cardholder to submit them on a report. 

My card has a credit balance, I  keep on getting emails that I have one outstanding transaction. How do I put an expense report on a credit balance?


You might have to contact your Concur administrator if you can't submit a report with a credit balance - this is often a limitation put in place by some admins. 

If you can't contact your admin or they can't change the limitation, I suggest adding a dummy expense type using "Credit Card Fees" or a similar expense type/business purpose, and making the amount the exact total to bring your report back to $0. For example, if your credit balance is -$125, I would make a "Credit Cards Fees" expense called "Report Balancing" for $125, and then leave a note explaining that you couldn't submit the report with a negative balance. You should then be able to submit the report as normal. 

@Diana3rodriguez other than getting the reminder emails, a credit shouldn't have any negative affect on you. However, to clear this out, add the transaction to an expense report. You just need to make sure there are other card transactions on that same report that total more than the credit. 


If you currently don't have any company card transactions, then you will probably need to wait until you have some. Like I mentioned, a credit won't cause your company card any late fees or anything negative so it can sit in the system for a while, if need be.

Thank you,
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Under Tools, you can look up these transactions that equal zero dollars under Manage Transactions, and hide them from the end-user.  This way there is nothing for them to submit and they won't continue to get messages to submit them.